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Question: Compare and contrast the best and worst regimes as defined by Plato, Aristotle and Polybius. 

31 Oct 2022,12:25 PM


-Compare and contrast the best and worst regimes as defined by Plato, Aristotle and Polybius. 
-How are the best and worst regimes similar, and how are they different?
-Also, where does present day America fit into these schemes? Would it be considered one of the best or one of the worst regimes?
-Use evidence from the sources to support your answers.

Expert answer


There are many different ways to define what makes a good or bad regime. Plato, Aristotle, and Polybius all offer their own definitions and criteria for judging regimes.


Plato's Republic presents the ideal of the perfect city-state, ruled by a philosopher king. This ideal regime is based on the harmonious working of three classes of citizens: the workers, the auxiliaries, and the guardians. The workers are responsible for producing the necessities of life, while the auxiliaries defend the city-state from external threats. The guardians are the rulers, who are tasked with making sure that everything runs smoothly and justly.


Aristotle's Politics defines six different types of regimes: monarchy, aristocracy, democracy, oligarchy, tyranny, and constitutional government. He ranks these regimes from best to worst, with monarchy being the best and tyranny being the worst. Aristotle believes that monarchy is the best form of government because it allows for a single ruler who is dedicated to the common good. aristocracy is the second best form of government, according to Aristotle, because it also has a single ruler but this ruler is chosen from a group of nobles. Democracy is third on Aristotle's list because it gives power to the people, which can lead to chaos if not properly managed. Oligarchy is fourth on Aristotle's list because it gives power to a small group of elites, which can lead to corruption and abuse of power. Tyranny is the worst form of government, according to Aristotle, because it is characterized by a despotic ruler who rules without regard for the law or the common good.


Polybius' The Histories presents an account of the rise of the Roman Republic. He ranks different regimes on a scale from best to worst, with monarchy being the best and tyranny being the worst. Polybius believes that monarchy is the best form of government because it allows for a single ruler who is dedicated to the common good. aristocracy is second on Polybius' list because it also has a single ruler but this ruler is chosen from a group of nobles. Democracy is third on Polybius' list because it gives power to the people, which can lead to chaos if not properly managed. Oligarchy is fourth on Polybius' list because it gives power to a small group of elites, which can lead to corruption and abuse of power. Tyranny is the worst form of government, according to Polybius, because it is characterized by a despotic ruler who rules without regard for the law or the common good.


Plato, Aristotle, and Polybius all offer different definitions of what makes a good or bad regime. Plato's Republic presents the ideal of the perfect city-state, ruled by a philosopher king. Aristotle's Politics defines six different types of regimes: monarchy, aristocracy, democracy, oligarchy, tyranny, and constitutional government. He ranks these regimes from best to worst, with monarchy being the best and tyranny being the worst. Polybius' The Histories presents an account of the rise of the Roman Republic. He ranks different regimes on a scale from best to worst, with monarchy being the best and tyranny being the worst. All three thinkers offer valuable insights into what makes a good or bad regime.

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