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Question: Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article related to people's health or health care practices from the LGBTQIA population.

21 Mar 2023,7:08 AM


Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article related to people's health or health care practices from the LGBTQIA population. You should consider only articles published within the last five (5) years. Refer to the Krehely (2009) article, How to Close the LGBT Health Disparities Gap summary.

Discuss any changes made since this article was published? In June 2009, President Obama issued a directive on same-sex domestic partner benefits. Discuss the significance of this directive to healthcare access for this population.

Analyze this encounter with a healthcare professional: Doctor, I'm gay." "Great. We'll test you for HIV today." "But I'm not having sex."
"How much do you drink?" Is this appropriate? Why? Why not? How, with humility, would you have approached this assessment with the patient?
This module will discuss culturally competent and sensitive care in geographically displaced people and care for the LGBTQIA population. "Migrant agricultural workers are the backbone of the multibillion-dollar agricultural industry in the United States" (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019).

It is estimated that 3 million migrant farmworkers and their dependents traverse the United States each year to harvest various crops, 85% of which must be cultivated and picked by hand. Consider that sixteen percent of migrant farmworkers are women who are of childbearing age. Their sometimes undocumented status poses a significant healthcare dilemma and deter them from accessing much-needed care.

Still, nurses and other healthcare professionals must practice cultural humility and sensitivity when providing care to this population when they seek healthcare. This is equally important when caring for people who identify as LBGTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual).

Social stigma and discriminatory laws associated with both populations hinder their access to healthcare and cause biases. People experiencing stigma, discrimination, and oppression in society who then face this when seeking healthcare may experience extensions of this psychological distress and trauma (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019).

This module will provide a starting point for assessing your attitudes and beliefs about working with individuals whose sexual orientation or gender identity may differ from yours. Keep this in mind if you are part of the majority group that identifies as heterosexual and/or cisgender (those individuals whose gender identity matches the gender assigned to them at birth).

Suppose you are someone who identifies as a member of the LGBTQIA population. In that case, you may also find your self-understanding expanded and your skills refined in working with others in this context as you continue to integrate your identity with your emerging professional nursing identity (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019).

Module Goals
Describe the breadth of cultural diversity within the three dominant migrant streams.
Specify factors that limit or impede access to farmworkers and their dependents to health services.
Discuss significant health risk factors associated with the migratory lifestyle.
Acknowledge the critical importance of the nurse's advocacy role in modifying the social, economic, political, and environmental factors that result in migrant farm work, considered one of the most dangerous occupations engaged in within the United States
Identify and understand who comprises the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual (LGBTQIA), agender, and ally population.
Articulate the distinction between sexual orientation and gender identity. Gain knowledge of the healthcare concerns and institutional barriers facing the LGBTQIA population.
Identify personal gaps in knowledge, skills, and comfort in working with members of the LGBTQIA community.
Develop awareness of strategies to increase competence in working with the LGBTQIA population.

Learning Materials
Required Resources:
Kersey-Matusiak, G. (2018). Delivering culturally competent nursing care: Working with diverse and vulnerable populations (2nd ed.). Springer. ISBN: 9780826137272. Read Chapters 8 & 9.
Your textbook provides AACN Cultural Competencies that may have been learned while obtaining your BSN. Please be sure to test your knowledge at the end of the chapter to assess where you are currently with your cultural competency.
Go to Think Cultural Health located on the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of Minority Health website. You may access it from the following URL: Continue to work on your Think Cultural Health program.
Additional Resources:
Aids Education & Training Center Program. (2016, December 2). Cultural Humility & Reducing Stigma and Discrimination
Arcury, T. A., & Quandt, S. A. (2011). Living and working safely: Challenges for migrant and seasonal farmworkers. North Carolina Medical Journal, 72(6), 466-470.
Migrant Farmworker Health | Minority Health | CDC. (n.d.). Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Guidelines for care of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender patients. (n.d.). Gay & Lesbian Medical Association.
Hatchel, T., Ingram, K. M., Mintz, S., Hartley, C., Valido, A., Espelage, D. L., & Wyman, P. (2019, January 22). Predictors of Suicidal Ideation and Attempts among LGBTQ Adolescents: The Roles of Help-seeking Beliefs, Peer Victimization, Depressive Symptoms, and Drug Use. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
Kirwan Institute: Implicit Bias Training Modules. (n.d.). Kirwan Institute.
Krehely, J. (2009, December 21). How to close the LGBT health disparities gap. Center for American Progress.
PicPro Commercial. (2020, November 16). C. LaFarre DNP. [Video.] YouTube.
Select a Test. (n.d.). Harvard University.
Rowe, D., Ng, Y.C., & O’Keefe, L. (2017, January). Leadership initiatives in patient-centered transgender care. Federal Practitioner.
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Few notes from instructor if it pertains to this order please address.
Note page numbers are required in the citations when there is a direct
Quote. Reference heading needs to be bold
Review level headings for APA 7th edition
After the title of the paper insert a clear introduction for the paper, an introduction grabs the interest of the reader , tells why the topics of discussion are important, and then gives the purpose of the paper, then move to specific topics with appropriate level headings.
Ensure there is a clear conclusion for all papers.
Book titles are italized, the publisher is also to be included * note that in the title the word nursing also begins with a lower case letter. to improve clarity include headers between paragraphs to separate the sections.
Conclusions should summarize the topic and not include any new information
All essays (even reflections) should have an introduction, the body of the essay, and a conclusion. APA formatting includes headers to separate and organize the material.
Points will be deducted if any elements of essay formatting are missing in future assignments.

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