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Question: Critically analyse why developing creativity in learners is important

24 Apr 2023,5:46 PM


Critically analyse why developing creativity in learners is important

Examine how some of the creative pedagogies introduced in the module can develop creativity in learners and justify which ones you intend to introduce into your future practice

Critically analyse the potential barriers to being able to develop your creative practice in your context and identify ways that you may overcome them to develop your future practice Guidance on writing your assignment

Expert answer


Creativity is an essential component of human development and is highly valued in society today. Creativity is the ability to generate novel ideas, concepts, or objects through the use of imagination, divergent thinking, and problem-solving. It is a valuable skill that helps individuals to think critically, adapt to new situations, and make informed decisions. Therefore, it is essential to develop creativity in learners as it contributes to their academic, personal, and social growth.


Creativity is an essential component of human development and is highly valued in society today. Creativity is the ability to generate novel ideas, concepts, or objects through the use of imagination, divergent thinking, and problem-solving. It is a valuable skill that helps individuals to think critically, adapt to new situations, and make informed decisions. Therefore, it is essential to develop creativity in learners as it contributes to their academic, personal, and social growth. This paper critically analyzes why developing creativity in learners is essential by examining the benefits of creativity in education, the role of creativity in cognitive development, and the relationship between creativity and innovation.

The benefits of creativity in education

Creativity in education promotes innovation, which is essential for the advancement of society. In today's highly competitive world, innovation has become the key to success, and those who possess this skill are highly sought after. Creativity helps learners to develop critical thinking skills, enabling them to think beyond the obvious and come up with new and innovative solutions to problems. This skill is critical in the workplace as it enables individuals to identify and solve complex problems in a rapidly changing environment. Creativity also fosters curiosity and a desire to learn, which are essential attributes of successful learners. According to Cropley (2006), creativity in education is essential for the following reasons:

  • Creativity promotes innovation: Creative individuals are better able to develop new and innovative ideas, products, and services, which are essential for the growth and development of society.
  • Creativity enhances problem-solving skills: Creative individuals are better able to think outside the box and come up with novel solutions to complex problems.
  • Creativity fosters personal growth: Creative individuals are better able to express themselves and their ideas, which enhances their self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Creativity enhances academic performance: Studies have shown that students who are encouraged to be creative perform better academically than those who are not.

Therefore, it is essential to develop creativity in learners as it promotes innovation, enhances problem-solving skills, fosters personal growth, and enhances academic performance.

The role of creativity in cognitive development

Creativity plays a crucial role in cognitive development, which is the process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Cognitive development is essential for academic, personal, and social growth, and creativity enhances this process in the following ways:

  • Creativity enhances memory: Creative activities such as art and music have been shown to enhance memory and cognitive function.
  • Creativity enhances problem-solving skills: Creative individuals are better able to identify and solve complex problems, which enhances their cognitive abilities.
  • Creativity enhances attention and focus: Engaging in creative activities requires concentration and focus, which enhances cognitive function.
  • Creativity enhances learning: Studies have shown that creative activities such as drama, dance, and music enhance learning by engaging multiple senses and stimulating the brain.

Therefore, creativity is an essential component of cognitive development, which is critical for academic, personal, and social growth.

The relationship between creativity and innovation

Creativity and innovation are closely related concepts, and creativity is a prerequisite for innovation. Innovation is the process of developing new and improved products, services, or processes, and creativity is the ability to generate novel ideas, concepts, or objects. Therefore, creativity is essential for innovation as it enables individuals to develop new and innovative ideas that can be implemented to improve existing products, services, or processes. According to Amabile (1996), there are three components of creativity that contribute to innovation:

  • Expertise: Creativity is enhanced by knowledge, skills, and experience in a particular field or domain.
  • Creative thinking skills: Creativity requires the ability to think divergently, generate novel ideas, and think beyond the obvious.
  • Motivation: Creativity is enhanced by intrinsic motivation, which is the desire to engage in a particular activity for the inherent satisfaction it provides.

Therefore, developing creativity in learners is essential for promoting innovation, which is critical for the advancement of society.

The importance of creativity in different domains

Creativity is essential in various domains, including education, business, and the arts. In education, creativity is necessary for promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation. Creative teaching methods, such as project-based learning, can enhance learning and foster creativity in students. In business, creativity is critical for developing new products, services, and processes that can improve organizational performance and increase competitiveness. Creative individuals are also better able to identify and exploit opportunities for growth and development. In the arts, creativity is essential for expressing ideas, emotions, and experiences in a meaningful and impactful way. Creative individuals can use their talents to inspire and motivate others, and their work can serve as a catalyst for social and cultural change.

The challenges of developing creativity in learners

Despite the importance of developing creativity in learners, there are several challenges associated with this process. One of the main challenges is the lack of support for creativity in traditional educational systems. Many schools and universities prioritize conformity and standardization over creativity, which can stifle innovation and limit the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Another challenge is the lack of resources and opportunities for creative activities, especially in low-income communities. Creative activities such as music, art, and drama can be expensive and require specialized equipment and facilities, which may not be accessible to all students. Finally, there is a lack of awareness and understanding of the importance of creativity in society, which can limit the demand for creative skills and discourage individuals from pursuing creative careers.


In conclusion, developing creativity in learners is essential for promoting innovation, enhancing cognitive development, and fostering personal and social growth. Creativity is a valuable skill that helps individuals to think critically, adapt to new situations, and make informed decisions. It is essential in different domains, including education, business, and the arts. However, there are several challenges associated with developing creativity in learners, including the lack of support in traditional educational systems, the lack of resources and opportunities for creative activities, and the lack of awareness and understanding of the importance of creativity in society. Therefore, it is essential to promote and support creativity in learners by providing opportunities for creative activities, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and raising awareness of the importance of creativity in society.



Creativity has become an essential skill in today's world, and it is increasingly being recognized as one of the most critical aspects of education. As educators, it is our responsibility to foster creative thinking in learners and to help them develop their creativity. In this paper, we will examine some of the creative pedagogies introduced in the module and explore how they can be used to develop creativity in learners. We will also justify which ones we intend to introduce into our future practice.

Background The creative pedagogies we will examine in this paper include project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, and design thinking. These pedagogies have been found to be effective in developing creativity in learners, and they all share some common characteristics. For example, they are all learner-centered, involve active participation, and encourage collaboration and communication.

Project-Based Learning Project-based learning is a pedagogical approach that involves learners working on a project that is relevant to their interests and that requires them to apply what they have learned to real-world situations. The project is usually interdisciplinary and requires learners to work in teams. This approach has been found to be effective in developing creativity in learners because it encourages them to think critically, to solve problems, and to work collaboratively.

According to Bransford et al. (2006), project-based learning can be used to develop creativity in learners by providing them with opportunities to:

  • Explore their interests and passions
  • Develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Collaborate with others to create something meaningful and relevant
  • Communicate their ideas and findings to others
  • Reflect on their learning and identify areas for improvement.

Inquiry-Based Learning Inquiry-based learning is a pedagogical approach that involves learners asking questions, exploring topics, and developing their own understanding. This approach is based on the idea that learners are naturally curious and that they learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process. Inquiry-based learning has been found to be effective in developing creativity in learners because it encourages them to think critically, to ask questions, and to explore new ideas.

According to Kuhlthau (2004), inquiry-based learning can be used to develop creativity in learners by providing them with opportunities to:

  • Explore topics that are of interest to them
  • Develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Collaborate with others to explore new ideas and develop new insights
  • Communicate their ideas and findings to others
  • Reflect on their learning and identify areas for improvement.

Problem-Based Learning Problem-based learning is a pedagogical approach that involves learners working on real-world problems and using their knowledge and skills to develop solutions. This approach is based on the idea that learners learn best when they are engaged in real-world problems and that they learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process. Problem-based learning has been found to be effective in developing creativity in learners because it encourages them to think critically, to solve problems, and to work collaboratively.

According to Hung et al. (2008), problem-based learning can be used to develop creativity in learners by providing them with opportunities to:

  • Work on real-world problems that are relevant to their interests and that require them to use their knowledge and skills
  • Collaborate with others to develop solutions to these problems
  • Communicate their ideas and findings to others
  • Reflect on their learning and identify areas for improvement.

Design Thinking Design thinking is a pedagogical approach that involves learners working on design challenges that require them to empathize with users, define problems, ideate solutions, prototype, and test their solutions. This approach is based on the idea that learners learn best when they are engaged in real-world problems and that they learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process. Design thinking has been found to be effective in developing creativity in learners because it encourages them to think creatively, to solve problems, and to work collaboratively.

According to Martin and Hanington (2012), design thinking can be used to develop creativity in learners by providing them with opportunities to:

  • Empathize with users to understand their needs and desires
  • Define problems by reframing them to uncover new solutions
  • Ideate solutions by generating a wide range of ideas
  • Prototype solutions by creating tangible representations of their ideas
  • Test solutions by getting feedback from users and refining their designs based on that feedback.

Justification of Intended Pedagogies in Future Practice After examining the creative pedagogies introduced in the module, I intend to introduce project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and design thinking in my future practice. I have chosen these three pedagogies because they all share the common characteristic of being learner-centered, involve active participation, and encourage collaboration and communication.

Project-based learning is a pedagogical approach that aligns with my philosophy of teaching, which emphasizes the importance of learners' interests and passions in the learning process. I believe that learners are more engaged and motivated when they are working on projects that are relevant to their interests and that require them to apply what they have learned to real-world situations. Project-based learning also provides opportunities for learners to work collaboratively and to communicate their ideas and findings to others, which are essential skills in today's world.

Inquiry-based learning is another pedagogical approach that aligns with my philosophy of teaching. I believe that learners learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process, and inquiry-based learning provides opportunities for learners to ask questions, explore topics, and develop their own understanding. This approach also encourages learners to collaborate with others to explore new ideas and to develop new insights, which are essential skills in today's world.

Design thinking is a pedagogical approach that aligns with my philosophy of teaching because it emphasizes the importance of empathy, creativity, and problem-solving. I believe that learners need to develop these skills to be successful in today's world, and design thinking provides opportunities for learners to develop these skills through the design challenges they work on. Design thinking also encourages learners to collaborate with others to develop solutions to real-world problems, which is an essential skill in today's world.

Conclusion In conclusion, creativity has become an essential skill in today's world, and it is increasingly being recognized as one of the most critical aspects of education. As educators, it is our responsibility to foster creative thinking in learners and to help them develop their creativity. Project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, and design thinking are some of the creative pedagogies that can be used to develop creativity in learners. These pedagogies share some common characteristics, such as being learner-centered, involving active participation, and encouraging collaboration and communication. In my future practice, I intend to introduce project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and design thinking because they align with my philosophy of teaching and provide opportunities for learners to develop essential skills for success in today's world.

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