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Question: Critically evaluate the legality of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine...

29 May 2024,5:41 AM

Critically evaluate the legality of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine, considering both the United Nations Charter and customary international law principles.






The Legality of Russia’s Military Intervention in Ukraine: A Critical Evaluation


The legality of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine has been a contentious issue in international law since the onset of hostilities in 2014 and their escalation in 2022. This question is pivotal not only for the immediate parties involved but also for the international legal order and the principles governing the use of force. This essay critically evaluates the legality of Russia’s actions from the perspectives of the United Nations Charter and customary international law principles. It will explore arguments from both sides, scrutinize relevant legal doctrines, and examine the broader implications for international peace and security. Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine is not legally justifiable under the United Nations Charter and customary international law, reflecting a significant breach of international norms.

The United Nations Charter and the Prohibition of the Use of Force

The United Nations Charter is the cornerstone of international law concerning the use of force, explicitly prohibiting such actions except in self-defense or with Security Council authorization.

Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter explicitly prohibits the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. This prohibition is a fundamental principle of international law designed to maintain international peace and security. The Charter permits exceptions only in two narrowly defined circumstances: self-defense, as articulated in Article 51, and actions authorized by the United Nations Security Council under Chapter VII of the Charter.

Article 51 of the UN Charter allows for self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a member state. However, for a claim of self-defense to be valid, the response must meet the criteria of necessity and proportionality, as established in the Caroline case (1837). In the context of Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, Russia has cited self-defense and the protection of Russian-speaking populations as justifications.

The Security Council has the primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. Any use of force not undertaken in self-defense requires explicit Security Council authorization. In the case of Ukraine, no such authorization has been granted for Russia's actions.

Analysis of Russia's Justifications

Protection of Nationals Abroad

Russia has justified its intervention by claiming the need to protect Russian-speaking populations in Ukraine, particularly in Crimea and the Donbas region. However, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the 2005 Congo v. Uganda case emphasized that the use of force to protect nationals abroad does not constitute a valid basis for intervention unless the host state is unwilling or unable to protect those nationals, and the threat is imminent.

The Right of Self-Determination

Russia has also invoked the principle of self-determination to justify its support for separatist movements in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. However, the principle of self-determination must be balanced with the principle of territorial integrity, as highlighted in the Friendly Relations Declaration (1970). The ICJ has consistently held that self-determination does not provide a legal basis for the unilateral secession of a region unless there is a colonial context or severe oppression amounting to a denial of meaningful self-determination within the state framework.

In light of the United Nations Charter, Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine lacks legal justification. Neither the self-defense claim nor the protection of nationals abroad meets the stringent requirements set by international law. Additionally, without Security Council authorization, the intervention violates the fundamental prohibition on the use of force.

Customary International Law Principles and State Sovereignty

Customary international law, alongside treaty law, plays a crucial role in regulating state behavior and upholding the principles of state sovereignty and non-intervention.

Customary international law, as affirmed by the ICJ in the Nicaragua v. United States case (1986), prohibits states from intervening in the internal affairs of other states. This principle reinforces the sovereignty and political independence of states, preventing external interference without consent.

While some scholars argue for a doctrine of humanitarian intervention allowing states to use force to prevent widespread atrocities, this doctrine remains highly controversial and is not widely accepted as a legal norm. The ICJ and the United Nations have not endorsed unilateral humanitarian interventions without Security Council approval.

Russia’s Actions in the Context of Customary International Law

Support for Separatist Movements

Russia’s support for separatist movements in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine constitutes interference in the domestic affairs of Ukraine. The provision of military support to these movements undermines Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, violating the principle of non-intervention.

The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, following a disputed referendum, further breaches international law. The General Assembly Resolution 68/262 (2014) affirmed Ukraine’s territorial integrity and declared the referendum invalid. The annexation is a clear violation of the prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force, a fundamental principle of international law recognized in the UN Charter and various international treaties.

Customary international law supports the prohibition of Russia’s actions in Ukraine. The principles of state sovereignty and non-intervention are fundamental to the international legal order, and Russia’s intervention and annexation of Crimea violate these principles.

The Role of International Responses and Consequences

The international community’s response to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine underscores the broader implications for international law and the maintenance of global order.

In response to Russia’s actions, numerous countries and international organizations have imposed economic sanctions and diplomatic measures. These sanctions aim to pressure Russia to comply with international law and respect Ukraine’s sovereignty.

Ukraine has initiated legal proceedings against Russia in various international forums, including the ICJ and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). These proceedings seek to hold Russia accountable for violations of international law and secure reparations for damages caused by the intervention.

Implications for International Law and Order

Erosion of Norms

Russia’s actions in Ukraine pose a significant challenge to the international legal order. If such interventions go unchecked, they risk eroding the norms against the use of force and non-intervention, potentially leading to greater instability and conflict.

Precedents for Future Actions

The international community’s response to Russia’s intervention sets a precedent for future actions. Strong opposition and accountability measures reinforce the norms of international law, while weak responses may embolden other states to pursue similar actions, undermining global peace and security.

The international community’s response to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine is crucial for upholding international law and maintaining global order. Sanctions, legal proceedings, and diplomatic measures highlight the importance of accountability and the need to reinforce the norms against the use of force and non-intervention.


In conclusion, Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine is not legally justifiable under the United Nations Charter and customary international law. The prohibition on the use of force, the principles of state sovereignty, and non-intervention are fundamental to maintaining international peace and security. Russia’s actions, including the annexation of Crimea and support for separatist movements, violate these principles and pose a significant challenge to the international legal order. The international community’s response, through sanctions and legal proceedings, underscores the importance of upholding these norms and holding violators accountable. As such, Russia’s intervention in Ukraine represents a breach of international law, with serious implications for global stability and the rule of law.

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