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Question: Describe why case management is such an important aspect of treatment. How does case management benefit clients in treatment?

01 Nov 2022,7:46 PM


Describe why case management is such an important aspect of treatment. How does case management benefit clients in treatment?

Expert answer


Addiction is a chronic and relapsing disease. This means that even after someone completes a treatment program, they are still at risk for relapse. Case management provides ongoing support to help people stay on track with their recovery goals and avoid relapse.


Case management can take many different forms but typically involves regular check-ins with a case manager who helps connect clients with resources and support services. Case managers also provide educational information about addiction and recovery, and can offer referrals to other programs or services if needed.


Studies have shown that case management is an effective tool for helping people maintain sobriety after treatment. In one study, participants who received case management services were more likely to remain in treatment and abstain from drug use than those who did not receive case management. Additionally, participants who received case management were more likely to report satisfaction with their treatment experience.


Overall, case management is an important part of treatment that can help people stay on track with their recovery goals and avoid relapse. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, consider finding a treatment program that offers case management services.

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