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Question: Digitalisation of experience has various advantages and disadvantages. From a service perspective, using referenced source material, discuss the process of digitalising experience, and the relative benefits and challenges.

28 Oct 2022,8:09 PM


Part A Abstract                                                                                10 marks available

Write and abstract for your work of no more than 250 words. Consider the following points when writing your abstract.


Purpose (mandatory)

Design/methodology/approach (mandatory)

Findings (mandatory)

Research limitations/implications (if applicable)

Practical implications (if applicable)

Social implications (if applicable)

Originality/value (mandatory)


Source: International Journal of Operations and Production Management

TIP: Write this section last.


Part B   Main Question                                                                    60 Marks available


Digitalisation of experience has various advantages and disadvantages. From a service perspective, using referenced source material, discuss the process of digitalising experience, and the relative benefits and challenges.

1500 words.



Choose a service you have experienced or your organisation provides and consider expectations.

Create a SIPOC of the top level processes and related customers and suppliers. Map that customer journey, this should be one specific experience, the more detail the better. Consider the different expectations and evaluate the touchpoints in the service. What measures would be appropriate to evaluate the systems?

1500 words


Part C                                                                                                 20 Marks available

Part C is worth up to 20 marks and is award for the personal reflection you uploaded from the experience during the module. There are no further submission required for this.



Expert answer


Digitalisation of experience has various advantages and disadvantages. From a service perspective, digitalising experience can help to improve customer service by providing more accurate and up-to-date information. It can also help to reduce costs by automating processes and making it easier to manage large volumes of data. However, digitalisation can also create security risks and privacy concerns. It is important to carefully consider these issues before implementing any digitalisation strategy.Digitalisation of experience can help organisations to provide more accurate and up-to-date information to customers. This is because digital systems can be updated more frequently than traditional paper-based systems. For example, if a customer enquires about a product or service, they will receive the most up-to-date information available. This can help to improve customer satisfaction levels as they are more likely to receive accurate information. Additionally, digitalisation can help to automate processes. For example, many organisations use online forms which can be completed and submitted automatically. This can help to reduce costs as it reduces the need for manual input and processing of data. However, digitalisation also has some disadvantages. One of the main concerns is security. Storing information digitally makes it more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This is because hackers can target digital systems in order to gain access to sensitive data. Additionally, digitalisation can also create privacy concerns. For example, if personal data is stored digitally, it could be accessed and used without the individual’s consent. This is why it is important to carefully consider the risks and benefits of digitalisation before implementing any digitalisation strategy.

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