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Question: Discuss Brexit using the BJ Fogg grid and the SHIFT framework and write a short report that could be tabled and discussed at the council committee meeting.

27 Oct 2022,5:02 PM


You are a consultant advising a local council committee on behavioural change in a crisis. The crisis could be the coronavirus, or climate, or Brexit crisis. Select and discuss ONE crisis using the BJ Fogg grid and the SHIFT framework and write a short report that could be tabled and discussed at the council committee meeting.

Drawing on the BJ Fogg grid and the SHIFT framework and practical examples to support your arguments as appropriate, use these frameworks to analyse the issues faced by a local council and provide recommendations on how this analysis could be applied to the issues arising from a crisis.

Expert answer


BJ Fogg's Simple Model of Behavior Change has been widely used to explain how people can be motivated to change their behavior. The model consists of three elements: motivation, ability, and triggers.


BJ Fogg's Simple Model of Behavior Change has been widely used to explain how people can be motivated to change their behavior. The model consists of three elements: motivation, ability, and triggers.


The SHIFT framework is a tool that can be used to help individuals and organizations identify potential areas of improvement with respect to their ability to change behavior. The acronym stands forSelf-Reflection, Honesty, Insight, Feedback, and Targeted Action.


Applying these two frameworks to the issue of Brexit, it is clear that there are a number of potential areas where the UK government could improve its approach in order to increase the likelihood of success.


1. Self-reflection: The UK government should take a hard look at its own motivations for wanting to leave the EU. What are the benefits that it hopes to achieve? What are the risks and costs associated with leaving? What is its Plan B in case things don't go as planned?


2. Honesty: The UK government should be honest about the potential impacts of Brexit on the British economy and society. It should not try to downplay the risks or pretend that everything will be fine.


3. Insight: The UK government needs to have a clear understanding of why people voted to leave the EU in the first place. What were their motivations? What do they hope to achieve by leaving?


4. Feedback: The UK government should solicit feedback from businesses, economists, and ordinary citizens on a regular basis. What are the potential impacts of Brexit? What are the risks and costs associated with leaving? What are people's biggest concerns?


5. Targeted action: The UK government should take specific actions to address the concerns of businesses, economists, and ordinary citizens. It should also develop contingency plans in case things don't go as planned.


The BJ Fogg model and the SHIFT framework can help the UK government improve its approach to Brexit and increase the likelihood of success. By taking a hard look at its motivations, being honest about the potential risks and costs, understanding why people voted to leave the EU, soliciting feedback from stakeholders, and taking targeted action, the UK government can increase its chances

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