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Question: Discuss how poverty affects the family system, and how it affects aspects of development?

04 Nov 2022,10:34 PM


Discussion Question 1:
Discuss how poverty affects the family system, and how it affects aspects of development?

Discussion Question 2:

Given the various complications that can arise during the prenatal period, in the U.S. about 6% of pregnant women do not obtain prenatal care or wait until their second trimester to obtain prenatal care. Choose one of the factors causing this and describe a reasonable way in which this can be addressed through community, church, or other non-governmental agencies.

Expert answer


Poverty has a profound effect on the family system. It can lead to poor physical health, mental health problems, and social isolation. It can also impact cognitive development, as well as academic achievement.


There are a number of ways in which poverty can affect the family system. One way is through its impact on physical health. Poor nutrition and lack of access to healthcare can lead to poor physical health for both parents and children. This, in turn, can lead to absenteeism from work or school and increased stress levels within the family.


Mental health is another area where poverty can have a significant impact. Parents who are struggling to make ends meet may experience anxiety and depression. This can make it difficult for them to provide emotional support for their children. In turn, children may internalize their parents’ stress and develop behavioral problems.


Poverty can also lead to social isolation. Families who are struggling financially may not be able to participate in activities that other families take for granted, such as vacations or outings to the park. This can make it difficult for children to form bonds with their peers and can impact their social development.


Finally, poverty can impact cognitive development. Children who grow up in poverty are more likely to have lower IQ scores and perform poorly on standardized tests. This is due, in part, to the fact that they often do not have access to the same resources as their wealthier counterparts. Additionally, poverty can lead to a lack of stimulation and interaction with others, which can impact brain development.


Despite the challenges that poverty poses to families, there are a number of ways in which parents can mitigate its effects. Providing love and support to children, encouraging them to participate in activities outside of the home, and ensuring they have access to resources such as books and educational toys can all help offset some of the negative impacts of poverty on family life. Additionally, parents can advocate for policies that would help reduce economic inequality and lift families out of poverty. By working together, we can make sure that all families have the opportunity to thrive.

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