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Question: Discuss the important role of the Greek Chorus in ancient Greek drama - what were their main functions?

08 Nov 2022,12:47 PM


Discuss the important role of the Greek Chorus in ancient Greek drama - what were their main functions? Were they actual characters? Did they present the writer's point of view? What was their relationship with the main actors and to the audience? Did they assist in establishing separate acts of the play and if so, how did they accomplish that? Can you give examples of modern, contemporary use of the Greek Chorus in plays, television, or film? How can this ancient theatrical device be of interest to today's audiences?


In this first module of the semester, you will read "Introduction to Theater", "Origins of Theater", "Greek Theatre" and "Aristotle's Six Elements of Drama". After you read these chapters in the online textbook please follow these instructions for your assignment.


View these two videos focused on the Ancient Greek Chorus. The college students performing in a modern adaptation of the classical Greek chorus is the first video clip. The second is from a Woody Allen film and it's interesting to note that before he became a famous film director Allen began his career in the live theater. He wrote, acted, and directed numerous plays and had great respect for the origins of live theater. After you watch this programming complete these two assignments.  As an additional way to appreciate the complexities of the Greek Chorus, gather a group of family/friends together and all recite something aloud in unison (perhaps a poem or song lyrics) and try it several times to work on the timing of the delivery to be in perfect "harmony".

Discuss the important role of the Greek Chorus in ancient Greek drama - what were their main functions? Were they actual characters? Did they present the writer's point of view? What was their relationship with the main actors and to the audience? Did they assist in establishing separate acts of the play and if so, how did they accomplish that? Can you give examples of modern, contemporary use of the Greek Chorus in plays, television, or film? How can this ancient theatrical device be of interest to today's audiences?

Expert answer


The Greek Chorus was a group of often twelve or more dancers and singers who performed in the ancient Greek theatre. Their main function was to sing and dance along with the action of the play, as well as provide commentary and advice to the audience.


During the Classical period, the chorus became an important part of the theatrical experience, providing comic relief and adding emotional depth to the drama. The chorus also helped to advance the plot by singing about events that had happened offstage, or by providing warnings about what was to come.


In addition to their role in entertainment, the Greek Chorus also served a political purpose. By performing in public places such as marketplaces and temples, they helped to spread news and promote the values of the city-state. In times of war, they would sing patriotic songs to boost morale and rally the people to action.


The Greek Chorus was a vital part of ancient Greek theatre, and their functions were many and varied. Today, we still see echoes of the chorus in modern theatre, film, and television. Though they may not look the same as their ancient counterparts, they still play an important role in our storytelling.

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