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Question: Discuss the three defining elements of abnormal behavior.

03 Oct 2022,5:42 PM


  1. Discuss the three defining elements of abnormal behavior.
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  2. What are mood disorders? Differentiate between major depressive disorder, bipolar I disorder, and bipolar II disorder. Compare similarities and highlight differences.
    1. Answer:
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  3. How do psychosis and dissociation differ? Differentiate between schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder
    1. Answer:
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  4. What links anxiety disorders, OCD, and PTSD? Compare similarities and highlight differences.
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  5. There are tons of misconceptions about psychological disorders. For instance, many people assume all people with OCD are focused on cleanliness. Provide evidence against a former misconception you had before reading this chapter (yes, you can use this OCD one if you want).
    1. Answer:
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  6. How do individuals with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) differ from individuals with borderline personality disorder?
    1. Answer:
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  7. Discuss the philosophy behind psychoanalytic therapy. Compare Freud’s historical ideas versus the modern psychodynamic approach, and mention what has changed.
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  8. Discuss the philosophy and major tenens of client-centered/person-centered and other humanistic therapies.
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Expert answer

There are three primary elements that define abnormal behavior: deviance, distress, and dysfunction. Deviance refers to behaviors that violate social norms, including both criminal and non-criminal acts. Distress refers to psychological states such as anxiety, depression, or fear that are associated with abnormal behavior. Dysfunction refers to impairments in adaptive functioning, such as work, school, or social relationships.

Abnormal behavior can be explained using a variety of different theoretical perspectives, including the biological, psychological, and sociocultural models. The biological perspective views abnormal behavior as the result of physical abnormalities in the brain or other body systems. The psychological perspective focuses on mental processes and emotions as the cause of abnormal behavior. The sociocultural perspective emphasizes the importance of social and cultural factors in understanding and explaining abnormal behavior.

Each of these perspectives has its strengths and weaknesses, and no single perspective can provide a complete understanding of all forms of abnormal behavior. However, by considering all three perspectives, we can get a more well-rounded view of what causes abnormal behavior and how it can .......

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