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Question: Discuss your opinion as to how racial or ethnic biases manifest in Lombroso's "Criminal Man" theory.

17 Oct 2022,9:21 PM


Discuss your opinion as to how racial or ethnic biases manifest in Lombroso's "Criminal Man" theory. Give specifics as to how these biases manifest and what impact this has on one's perception of who are criminals and why they are criminals. Be sure to use support from the theory to support your argument.

Expert answer


In "Criminal Man," Lombroso argues that criminals are a product of their own physical and psychological traits. He claims that criminals are born, not made, and that they are innately different from non-criminals. This theory has been critiqued for its racial and ethnic biases. Critics argue that Lombroso's theory relies on outdated and flawed science, and that it perpetuates negative stereotypes about minorities.


Lombroso's theory has been used to justify discrimination and prejudice against minority groups. For example, the theory has been used to claim that black people are more likely to be criminals than white people. This is clearly a racist bias. The theory has also been used to claim that immigrants are more likely to be criminals than native-born citizens. This is an ethnic bias.


These biases are harmful because they can lead to discrimination and prejudice against minority groups. When people believe that certain groups are innately criminal, they are more likely to treat them with suspicion and hostility. This can result in reduced opportunities for those groups, and can create an atmosphere of fear and mistrust.


It is important to be aware of these biases when considering Lombroso's theory. We should not simply accept the theory because it has been around for a long time or because it is widely accepted. We should critically examine the theory, and be aware of its potential biases, before we use it to make decisions about people.

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