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Question: Discuss your view as to whether capital punishment has a deterrent effect on the number of homicides committed and why or why not.

17 Oct 2022,9:18 PM


In week one, we discussed justifications for criminal punishment generally. For this week's discussion, please discuss your view as to whether capital punishment has a deterrent effect on the number of homicides committed and why or why not.
If the deterrent effect of the death penalty is unclear, does that uncertainty argue for or against the death penalty and why?
How sure do we need to be that capital punishment serves a deterrent effect to justify capital punishment and why?

Expert answer


There is no definitive answer to the question of whether capital punishment has a deterrent effect on homicide rates. Some studies have found evidence that it does deter crime, while others have found no significant effects. There are a number of possible explanations for these conflicting results.


One reason why the research on this question is inconclusive is that it is difficult to measure the potential deterrent effects of capital punishment. For example, it is difficult to know how many people would commit homicide if they knew that they could be sentenced to death. It is also difficult to compare homicide rates in jurisdictions with and without capital punishment, because there are many other factors that can affect crime rates.


Another reason for the conflicting results is that different people may have different views on the morality of capital punishment. Some people may believe that it is wrong to kill someone, even if they have committed a serious crime. Others may believe that capital punishment is an effective way to deter crime. These different views could lead to different conclusions about the deterrent effects of capital punishment.


In conclusion, there is no clear answer to the question of whether capital punishment has a deterrent effect on homicide rates. The research on this question is inconclusive, and there are a number of possible explanations for the conflicting results.

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