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Question: Donna is a 63-year-old Latina woman. She has worked as an elementary school teacher since graduating from college, 40 years ago.

31 Oct 2022,5:34 PM


Middle-Aged Adult Case Study

Donna is a 63-year-old Latina woman. She has worked as an elementary school teacher since graduating from college, 40 years ago. She is 5’4” and is 190 pounds, about 40 pounds overweight (BMI 32.6), has high cholesterol, and is on medication for high blood pressure.  She loves to binge-watch movies and TV shows when she is not working. Donna has a sedentary lifestyle, she says she is getting old and has decreased energy. Donna is married to, Sally, who is retired, but loves to spend her time gambling. Sally stays within her gambling budget, but Donna is frustrated on the wasted time and money spent gambling. Donna & Sally often eat out, which Sally thinks could be avoided, but they both love the taste of restaurant food and love to indulge in food. Donna is planning on retiring in one year but worries about what she will do with all of her free time since she has always worked and had little interest or time for hobbies. She always worries about having less money each month after retirement.


Donna’s 24-hour Diet Analysis

Additional Nutrient Information:


Please answer the following questions.

  1. Define:
    1. Daily Values
    2. Recommended Dietary Allowances
    3. Dietary Reference Intakes


  1. Enter your client’s information on the website Use this as a guide and compare and analyze your client’s nutritional intake using the following table.
    1. Complete the following table based off your client’s 24-hour food diary above.
Nutrient USDA Recommended Intake Client’s Intake Function of the Nutrient What are the effects of this difference long term?
Saturated Fat        

300 mg*

200mg if history of cardiac disease.

*recent research is questioning the evidence and necessity of daily recommended intake


Men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams* or 9 teaspoons)

Women: 100 calories per day (25 grams* or 6 teaspoons)

*Added Sugars

Per American Heart Association



  1. Does your client exercise? How would or does exercise benefit your client?

Exercise would help my client by…


  1. Identify one level of prevention (primordial, primary, secondary, or tertiary) for your client. List two realistic and appropriate health promotion ideas and teachings that could help your client during this level of prevention.
    1. Please use the following wording template when providing your answer.


One appropriate level of prevention would be _________________ because ___________________.

Two realistic and appropriate health promotion ideas or teachings would be:

  1. Do not exceed 100 words
  2. Do not exceed 100 words.


  1. How could your client’s culture or ethnicity affect your client’s health?


My client’s ethnic background is: _________________

The leading causes of illness and death among this background are typically: _______________

Does your client have client have one of these conditions? Yes/No

What is something that could help prevent or decrease severity of these conditions?

What is a strength of the culture, as stated in your textbook, that your client can utilize to help improve health?

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