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Question: Drawing on theory and evidence, describe the value of understanding the psychological contract in a workplace setting. Critically discuss whether breached psychological contracts are inevitable

22 Oct 2022,11:11 PM


Question 1:


Read the following case study then answer the subsequent question. Ronnie and Mark are both managers in the same company. Ronnie is known for giving inspirational speeches and always tries to push employees to achieve more than they thought they could. This involves tailoring tasks to each worker’s abilities, allowing them to often organise their own work, and making sure that he also provides a role model for workers. Mark thinks managing is a simpler process. He makes sure workers get bonuses for meeting targets. He generally does not interact with workers, preferring to wait until supervisors inform him of problems that occur.



Using the multi-factor theory of leadership (e.g. as measured via the MLQ) explain which leadership factors are demonstrated by Ronnie and Mark. What are the likely outcomes for each leader in terms of the attitudes and behaviour of the workers? Explain these outcomes in terms of the multi-factor theory. (50 Marks)


Question 2:


Read the following case study then answer the subsequent question. Lucy, Bill, and Daniel all work in a clothes store. All of them also have families with young children. Lucy and Bill both work on the shop floor selling clothes to the public. Lucy works hard and always reaches her sales targets but there are no bonuses given for reaching these targets. Bill regularly fails to meet his targets. Daniel works in Customer Services. He sometimes receives bonuses based on customer satisfaction ratings. Unfortunately, these bonuses are supermarket vouchers but he already has a discount card at another supermarket.



Using the key relationships of Expectancy Theory, describe the work situations of Lucy, Bill, and Daniel in the case study, and how these work situations may affect the work motivation of each worker. Explain which changes to Lucy, Bill, and Daniel’s work situations may help increase the motivation levels of each worker, using Expectancy Theory to explain your reasoning. (50 Marks)


Question 3:


What is groupthink? Explain with reference to the antecedents, symptoms, problems, and consequences, and how these aspects are related. What measures can be taken to avoid or lessen the impact of groupthink? (50 marks)


Question 4:


Drawing on theory and evidence, describe the value of understanding the psychological contract in a workplace setting. Critically discuss whether breached psychological contracts are inevitable. (50 Marks)

Expert answer


The psychological contract is the unwritten agreement between an employer and employee that defines the expectations, rights and responsibilities of both parties. This contract has a significant impact on employee motivation, satisfaction and commitment, as well as organizational performance (Rousseau, 1995).


When the psychological contract is breached, it can lead to a number of negative consequences for employees, such as feeling undervalued, unappreciated and unfairly treated. This can in turn lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism and turnover, and a general decline in morale (Robinson & Rousseau, 1994).


Organizations need to be aware of the importance of the psychological contract and make sure that they are meeting their obligations. Otherwise, they risk damaging their relationships with employees and causing serious harm to their business.


Do you think that breached psychological contracts are inevitable? Why or why not?


There is no easy answer to this question. On the one hand, it could be argued that breached psychological contracts are inevitable simply because organizations and employees are complex systems with many moving parts. There will always be some degree of miscommunication and misunderstanding, which can lead to breaches of the contract.


On the other hand, it could be argued that breached psychological contracts are not inevitable. With clear communication and a shared understanding of expectations, it is possible for employers and employees to maintain a healthy relationship built on trust and mutual respect. If an organization is willing to invest in its people and create a positive work environment, then breaches of the psychological contract are less likely to occur.


Ultimately, it is up to each individual organization to decide whether they believe breached psychological contracts are inevitable. However, it is important to keep in mind the potential consequences of breaching the contract, as this can have a negative impact on employees and the business as a whole.

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