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Question: Equity is the third important outcome to evaluate relative to the Chicago Police Department and its goal of controlling crime in the city.

18 Feb 2023,5:20 PM

Equity is the third important outcome to evaluate relative to the Chicago Police Department and its goal of controlling crime in the city.

Using a Pivot table, please do the following:

1. Determine the clearance rates for all crimes in each police district. Make an APA formatted table (no vertical lines) that shows the clearance rate for each year in each district. Please create and include a column of the overall clearance rate for each district.

2. Using the data, please analyze whether the people of Chicago, as measured through police districts, are getting equitable police services in terms of police clearing crimes that are reported over the entire period. Provide data that supports your conclusion.

3. Compare the clearance rates for each district in 2022 from its results in 2017. Is there more or less equity in 2022 than in 2017? What data supports your conclusion?
Note:It has to be on microsoft word

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