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Question: Explain the challenges leaders face due to ongoing remote working in an organisational setting.

04 Oct 2022,12:52 AM


Leadership exists within organisations should be about developing people to their optimum potential, and guiding and coaching them through the goals of the organisation, as well as developing their personal attributes and capabilities, so that individually they feel supported, and can be the best they can be.  Throughout the decades, leadership has developed many traits and styles, and a lot of the way leadership has been shaped and directed has been due to culture, society and the industries themselves.  If you go back to the 1950s, manufacturing in the UK was its main industry, with cars and steel being key to UK economic growth.  Step forward 20 years, and the manufacturing industry in the UK started to decline with increased global competition into the consumer markets, and the developments of new materials and composites.  The service sector was also starting to become more prevalent.  Wages were beginning to increase for some, which led to them to look for alternative recreations.  This included areas such as retail, hotels and restaurants.  It also meant people began to look after their health better.  Computers also entered industry, and this changed the way people worked for good.


So what has this got to do with leadership?  Well, organisations function on teams, and teams have a central role in organisations as they can improve the creative and innovative potential of that organisation, as well as its overall performance and productivity.   Although teams are collectively responsible, the leaders of those teams have  a particular role to play.  From an historical viewpoint, it is crucial to understand what leadership is, how leaders lead, and of course the concept of leadership.  Over the decades, leaders have led in different ways, to meet different needs, and identify different outcomes.  As times have changed, and industries have developed, so has leadership.  What was once deemed the correct way to lead a team, may not work in today's society, especially as more emphasis is placed on corporate social responsibility and ethics.  As times and organisations change, so does leadership.  This module aims to look at leadership styles and traits from traditional to contemporary, taking account of the landscapes and environments and the drivers for leadership change.


This Module Handbook is designed to provide you with specific information about the module and you should refer to the Student Guide, and the Academic Regulations appropriate to your award for additional supporting information.

Module aims

  1. To develop a critical awareness of leadership theories, models and research and its relationship to other critical organisational behaviour concepts (such as groups, culture. motivation, learning, attitudes etc.)
  2. To enable students to critically evaluate the usefulness of leadership, followership and related organisational behaviour concepts and apply them with discernment in an organisational context
  3. To encourage students to reflect on their own leadership propensities and develop insights to enhance their leadership and followership skills within the context of contemporary organisational settings



Module learning outcomes

Conceptualise the role of leadership practices, from different theoretical perspectives, which enhance the performance of a contemporary organization

Propose suitable leadership solutions to achieve results within a complex organizational setting and provide a supporting rationale.

Critically analyse a range of tools which enable leaders to reflect on their own leadership styles and preferences

Synthesize appropriate leadership styles which are most relevant to a variety of organizational contexts.

How you will learn on this module

Opportunities from the students chosen programme route will the utilised, enabling students to learn through the use and analysis of information to reach informed decisions that are influential, effectively communicated to demonstrate a professional and independent approach with leadership acumen.  The modular strategy will be a blend of theoretical lectures, practical tutorials and case study analysis/application to encourage active participation throughout.


The following is a weekly teaching plan.  Please note this may be subject to change.


Week beginning Topic / content

Introduction to module

Assignment 1 Brief

2 Leadership philosophies
3 Team Leadership, Gender and Leadership
4 Authentic and Ethical Leadership
5 Adaptive, Transactional and Transformational Leadership

Leader-Member Exchange, Servant Leadership

Assignment 2 Brief

7 Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
8 Culture and Leadership
9 Leadership and Change
10 Entrepreneurial Leadership




How you will be assessed on this module


Assessment title Case Study
Weighting 50%
Learning outcomes assessed

1.     Conceptualise the role of leadership practices from different theoretical perspectives, which enhance the performance of a contemporary organization


2.     Propose suitable leadership solutions to achieve results within a complex organisational setting and provide a supporting rationale



Assessment.  This is an individual assignment.


At very short notice, recent events have forced businesses across the globe to change how they work. Many organisations have offered some degree of remote working for a number of years now, but to be in a position where the entire workforce has to suddenly work from home is challenging even for the most prepared of organisations.


Remote working has moved from being ‘flexible working’ and an ‘employee benefit’ to a “must-have,” and at least for the foreseeable this is now the new normal.  The challenges business leaders have in ensuring there is limited disruption to the workplace, and employees continue to be motivated, engaged and supported is paramount to business success.  However, this style of working poses huge challenges to leadership.


Assignment guidelines:


  1. Explain the challenges leaders face due to ongoing remote working in an organisational setting.


Evaluate traditional leadership traits and practices, and critically analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each of those styles has when leading teams and projects remotely, explaining the positive impact they have on performance. (LO1)


Compare and contrast your findings with more contemporary leadership styles and traits, and critically examine – from both an academic and practical perspective - whether both traditional and contemporary leadership have a role within organisations when leading teams and projects remotely to meet strategic business objectives. Propose suitable leadership solutions that you believe will achieve the required organisational results and provide a supporting rationale. (LO2)


Expert answer


Leaders in organisations face a range of challenges when it comes to managing remote workers. One of the key challenges is communication. It can be difficult to keep everyone on the same page when team members are working remotely. Leaders need to find ways to ensure that everyone is getting the information they need in a timely manner.


Another challenge leaders face is maintaining productivity levels. It can be tough to motivate team members who are not physically present in the office. Leaders need to find creative ways to keep their team engaged and productive.


Finally, leaders need to consider the impact of remote working on their own work-life balance. It can be easy to become overwhelmed when trying to manage both a personal life and a professional career. Leaders need to make sure they are taking care of themselves so they can be effective in their role.


While there are challenges that come with managing remote workers, there are also many benefits. Remote working can help to improve work-life balance, increase productivity, and reduce costs for organisations. With the right management style, leaders can overcome the challenges of remote working ......................

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