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Question: Explain the mechanism that allows Arabidopsis to adjust its flowering time in response to day length?

02 Oct 2022,8:30 AM


Answer one out of the following two questions


  1. 1. You have been asked to use a transgenic approach to modify the floral structure of the saffron crocus in order to maximise the yield of saffron. Saffron is derived from the stigmas (the tips of the female reproductive organs) of this plant. To ensure success, it would be better to identify more than one potential solution to this challenge. Assuming that transformation of the saffron crocus is routine, explain the strategies and experiments you would use and the reasoning behind your approaches



  1. 2. Explain the mechanism that allows Arabidopsis to adjust its flowering time in response to day length?




Expert answer

As plants grow, they are constantly exposed to different light conditions. The amount of light that a plant receives can have a big impact on its development, including its flowering time. In order to ensure that they flower at the best time for their environment, plants have evolved ways to detect changes in light conditions and adjust their flowering time accordingly. One way that plants can do this is by sensing the length of the day. Plants use a variety of mechanisms to do this, but one of the most important is through the use of special proteins called photoreceptors. These proteins are sensitive to light and can trigger changes in a plant's development in response to changing light conditions. In Arabidopsis, there are two main types of photoreceptors that are involved in sensing day length: phytochromes and cryptochromes. Phytochromes are mostly responsible for detecting changes in red light, while cryptochromes are mostly responsible for changes in blue light. When the amount of daylight decreases, plants respond by increasing the levels of these photoreceptors. This triggers a series of events that eventually leads to the plant flowering earlier. Similarly, when the amount of daylight increases, plants reduce the levels of these photoreceptors, which delays flowering. This ability to adjust its flowering time in response to day length is critical for Arabidopsis, as it allows the plant to ensure that it flowers at the best time for .........

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