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Question: Explain the reasons why there have been calls to repeal or reform mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Based on your findings, are you in favor of repealing mandatory minimum sentencing laws?

06 Dec 2023,2:10 PM


Explain the reasons why there have been calls to repeal or reform mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Based on your findings, are you in favor of repealing mandatory minimum sentencing laws?

You must use a 12-point Times New Roman font. Margins will also need to be 1 inch on all sides. An APA formatted title page.
The original question is at the top of the essay (serves as the abstract).
The body of your response must be a minimum of 3 pages.
A reference page formatted to APA 7th edition.
A minimum of two current, scholarly references per assignment published within the past 5-10 years. Hint: the more recent the source, the better. Web sources can be used, though they must come from credible sources such as government agencies, academics, and private agencies with a strong scholarly reputation within the community they serve.



Calls to repeal or reform mandatory minimum sentencing laws stem from various concerns and criticisms associated with these laws. Here are some of the key reasons behind these calls:

  1. Rigid and Inflexible Punishment: Mandatory minimum sentencing laws often prescribe fixed sentences for specific offenses, leaving little room for judicial discretion. Critics argue that this inflexibility can lead to overly harsh punishments that do not take into account the specific circumstances of the crime or the individual's background.

  2. Disproportionate Impact on Minorities: There is a concern that mandatory minimums contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system. Studies have shown that these laws disproportionately affect minority communities, leading to a higher incarceration rate among Black and Hispanic individuals compared to their white counterparts for similar offenses.

  3. Undermining Judicial Discretion: Mandatory minimums limit judges' ability to consider factors such as the defendant's criminal history, intent, or the presence of mitigating circumstances. Critics argue that this undermines the principle of individualized justice and prevents judges from tailoring sentences to fit the specifics of each case.

  4. Ineffectiveness as a Deterrent: Some studies suggest that mandatory minimums may not be more effective in deterring crime than other sentencing approaches. Critics argue that the severity of punishment alone does not necessarily deter criminal behavior and that a more nuanced and rehabilitative approach may be more effective in reducing recidivism.

  5. Overcrowding of Prisons: Mandatory minimums contribute to the overpopulation of prisons, as individuals are often sentenced to lengthy terms for nonviolent offenses. This overcrowding can strain the criminal justice system, lead to inhumane conditions, and divert resources away from more effective crime prevention and rehabilitation efforts.

  6. Negative Impact on Communities: Long sentences resulting from mandatory minimums can have negative consequences for families and communities. When individuals are removed from their communities for extended periods, it can disrupt family structures, hinder economic stability, and perpetuate a cycle of disadvantage.

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