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Question: From among the situational factors affecting team development, which factors positively or negatively contribute to the performance of a group?

22 Oct 2022,9:37 PM


High-performing teams are teams whose members have specific roles and complementary talents and skills and are aligned in purpose such that they consistently produce superior results. A high-performing team can make the difference between merely completing a project and completing a project ahead of schedule and under budget. Before becoming a high-performing team, the team will go through five stages of team development.

In this assignment, you are going to reflect on a recently completed project that you took part in as a member of a team. This project could have taken place in the workplace, in the classroom, or anywhere else that you were part of a group. In a 5-page analysis, you should address the following:

Address the development of the team in terms of both the five-stage model and the punctuated equilibrium model. Which model does a better job of describing the development of the team and how so?
From among the situational factors affecting team development listed in your text, which factors positively or negatively contributed to the performance of the group? How were the negative factors overcome or what could be done in the future to overcome them?
How well were group meetings managed? What was done particularly well and what was not done well? What specific recommendations can you provide about how groups should manage meetings on future projects?

Expert answer


There are many situational factors affecting team development, but some factors have a more positive or negative impact on group performance than others. Some of the most important factors that contribute to group success are task clarity, task and goal difficulty, group size, group diversity, and communication.


Task clarity is very important for group success; if team members do not understand what they are supposed to be doing, the group will likely not be successful. Task and goal difficulty are also important; if the task is too easy or too difficult, the group will not be successful. Group size is another important factor; a large group can be difficult to manage and may not be as effective as a smaller one. Group diversity is also important; a diverse group can bring different perspectives to the table and can be more successful than a homogeneous one. And lastly, communication is key; if team members cannot or do not communicate effectively, the group will not be successful.


These are just some of the most important factors that contribute to group success. By taking these factors into account, you can increase the chances that your team will be successful.



Negative factors that can impact group performance include task ambiguity, task and goal difficulty, group size, group diversity, and communication. These factors can be overcome by ensuring that team members have a clear understanding of what they are supposed to be doing, making sure the task is not too difficult or too easy, limiting the size of the group, ensuring diversity within the group, and communicating effectively. By taking these measures, you can help your team overcome any potential negative factors that may impact their performance.

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