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Question: Give a definition of the Nephron and name the four main components that make up the Nephron; Name and briefly describe each stage of the processes by which urine is formed and where the location in the nephron that each stage occurs  

04 Nov 2022,5:05 PM


  1. Name the components of the Kidney labelled A-F                                        (3 marks)


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  1. Identify three ways in which the Kidneys are protected.                                   (3 marks)



  1. Give a definition of the Nephron and name the four main components that make up the Nephron.                                                                                                      (5 marks)



  1. List four of the functions of the kidneys                                                             (4 marks)



  1. Name and briefly describe each stage of the processes by which urine is formed and where the location in the nephron that each stage occurs                     (6 marks)


  1. a) What does the abbreviation ‘pH’ mean?                                                 (3 marks)

b) When the pH of blood falls below normal blood levels what is this known as?

c) When the pH of blood rises above normal blood levels what is this known as?



  1. Name the two main fluid compartments and state as a percentage how much body fluid is found in each compartment                                                                         (2 marks)



  1. Explain why an accurate fluid balance chart would not be expected to ‘balance’(4 marks)




  1. State what type of charge the following ions carry (+ or -) and In which fluid compartments (intracellular or extracellular) they are found in:                      (4 marks)


  1.       a) Name two substances that are filtered from the blood into the filtrate. (4 marks)                              

b) Name two substances that are not filtered from the blood into the filtrate.


  1. Identify four characteristics of Urine.                                                             (4 marks)



  1. Antidiuretic Hormone is a regulatory chemical messenger. Name where it is produced; where it is released from and what is its effects and where this effect takes place?

(4 marks)


  1. Aldosterone is a hormone involved with Blood pressure control. What is the name of the Gland which releases Aldosterone; What stimulates its release; Which part of the Kidney does it have an effect upon and what is the effect?                                           (4 marks)

Expert answer


Give a definition of the Nephron and name the four main components that make up the Nephron.

The nephron is the basic functional unit of the kidney. It consists of four main parts: the renal corpuscle, the proximal convoluted tubule, the loop of Henle, and the distal convoluted tubule. The renal corpuscle filters blood to produce urine. The proximal convoluted tubule reabsorbs substances from the filtrate. The loop of Henle is a long, thin tube that helps to concentrate urine. The distal convoluted tubule reabsorbs water and other substances from the filtrate.


Name and briefly describe each stage of the processes by which urine is formed and where the location in the nephron that each stage occurs  

The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney. It is here that urine is produced through a process of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion.


Filtration: Blood enters the glomerulus, a network of blood vessels, where it is filtered by the filter (or Bowman's) capsule. This process removes most waste products and water from the blood.


Reabsorption: The filtered fluid then passes through the renal tubules, where more water and some essential nutrients are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream.


Secretion: The remaining fluid, now called urine, passes through the ureters to the bladder where it is stored until it is eventually eliminated from the body.

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