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Question: How could any modern and so-called advanced and evolved nation like Germany go along so willingly with the mass murder of at least 11 million civilians?

21 Oct 2022,1:45 AM


  • Examine the Nazi ideology in wiping out an entire ethnic group.
    • How could any modern and so-called advanced and evolved nation like Germany go along so willingly with the mass murder of at least 11 million civilians?
    • How were the Germans able to construct the facilities they built for their "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" so as to commit genocide on an industrial scale?

Expert answer


The Nazis' ideology of racial superiority led them to believe that the German people were superior to all other races. This belief led them to systematically eliminate entire groups of people whom they considered to be inferior, including Jews, Romani people, homosexuals, and others. The Nazis used a variety of methods to carry out their mass murder, including gas chambers, firing squads, and mobile killing squads known as Einsatzgruppen.


The Nazi regime's justification for these atrocities was that they were necessary to safeguard the future of the German people. However, historians have noted that there was no logical or scientific basis for the Nazi beliefs about racial superiority. In fact, the Nazis' ideology was a direct contradiction of the principles of equality and human rights that are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


The Nazi regime's crimes against humanity were a direct result of its ideology of racial superiority. The Nazis believed that they were carrying out a necessary and natural process of selection in order to ensure the survival of the German people. However, their actions resulted in the death and suffering of millions of innocent people.

The Nazi regime's crimes against humanity were a direct result of its ideology of racial superiority. The Nazis believed that they were carrying out a necessary and natural process of selection in order to ensure the survival of the German people. However, their actions resulted in the death and suffering of millions of innocent people.


The Nazi regime's crimes against humanity were a direct result of its ideology of racial superiority. The Nazis believed that they were carrying out a necessary and natural process of selection in order to ensure the survival of the German people. However, their actions resulted in the death and suffering of millions of innocent people.


The Nazi regime's crimes against humanity were a direct result of its ideology of racial superiority. The Nazis believed that they were carrying out a necessary and natural process of selection in order to ensure the survival of the German people. However, their actions resulted in the death and suffering of millions of innocent people.


The Nazis murdered 11 million civilians through a combination of mass shootings, gas chambers, and forced labor. This genocide was possible because the Nazis had a radically different view of the world than most other nations. They believed that the Aryan race was superior to all others, and that it was their responsibility to purify the world of "undesirable" populations. This ideology led them to believe that the genocide of the Jews, Romani people, homosexuals, and others was not only justified, but necessary. Other nations were not willing to go along with this genocide because they recognized that these groups were just as human as everyone else. The Nazis, however, were blinded by their twisted worldview and saw no problem with murdering millions of innocent people.

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