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Question: How prevalent is clinician burnout in the U.S.? Does health IT contribute to clinician burnout? If so, in what ways. If not, why not?

31 Oct 2022,3:52 PM


How prevalent is clinician burnout in the U.S.? Does health IT contribute to clinician burnout? If so, in what ways. If not, why not?

Expert answer


According to a study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, more than half of American clinicians report experiencing at least one symptom of burnout. This problem is only getting worse, with the rate of clinician burnout increasing by 5% each year.


There are many factors that contribute to clinician burnout, but health IT is often singled out as a major contributor. In a survey of more than 3,500 physicians, 43% said that health IT was a leading cause of their burnout.


There are several ways that health IT can contribute to clinician burnout. One way is by creating additional paperwork and administrative burdens. For example, clinicians may have to enter data into multiple electronic systems, which can take away from time that could be spent with patients.


Another way health IT can contribute to burnout is by causing communication problems. For example, clinicians may not be able to easily access the information they need from other members of the care team. This can lead to frustration and decreased efficiency.


Finally, health IT can also contribute to burnout by causing errors. For example, a clinician may accidentally enter the wrong data into an electronic system, which can have serious consequences.


Despite the ways health IT can contribute to clinician burnout, there are also ways it can help alleviate the problem. For example, health IT can automate repetitive tasks, such as data entry, which can free up clinicians’ time. Additionally, health IT can improve communication by providing clinicians with easy access to the information they need. And finally, health IT can help reduce errors by providing alerts and reminders.


If you are a clinician who is struggling with burnout, there are many resources available to help you. The American Medical Association has a Physician Burnout Toolkit that includes tips on how to prevent and address burnout. Additionally, the National Academy of Medicine has a website dedicated to clinician well-being that includes resources on everything from self-care to work-life balance.

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