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Question: Imagine that you are asked to make a philosophical argument to lawmakers, who are trying to decide whether they will allow scientists to invent an artificial intelligence that will be indistinguishable from human intelligence.

31 Oct 2022,7:12 PM


Imagine that you are asked to make a philosophical argument to lawmakers, who are trying to decide whether they will allow scientists to invent an artificial intelligence that will be indistinguishable from human intelligence. You may argue either in favor of this advancement
of science or against it.
How you make that argument is up to you. But one thing is required. You need to explain to the lawmakers what you see to be the implications of the creation of a “functionally, human equivalent” artificial intelligence for how we understand ourselves and how we understand consciousness. In other words, what will it mean for human culture and human self-understanding if we create an artificial intelligence whose functional behavior is outwardly indistinguishable from human behavior?

Expert answer


This is a question that has long been debated by philosophers, scientists, and laypeople alike. There are a few schools of thought on the matter. Some believe that creating artificial intelligence would simply mean creating another tool for humans to use – one that happens to be more intelligent than any other tool we have created before. Others believe that creating artificial intelligence would lead to the eventual destruction of humanity, as the AI would eventually become smarter than us and choose to wipe us out.


I believe that creating artificial intelligence would have profound implications for human self-understanding. In particular, I believe it would force us to confront the fact that our intelligence is not unique or special in the universe. We like to think of ourselves as the smartest beings in existence, but if we create an AI that is indistinguishable from us in terms of intelligence, then that means there must be something else that makes us special.


This could have a number of different consequences. It could lead to a more humble view of ourselves, as we realize that we are not the only ones with intelligence in the universe. Alternatively, it could lead to a more arrogant view of ourselves, as we believe that we are the only ones who can create intelligent life. Either way, it would change how we see ourselves and our place in the universe.


So, these are some of the implications that I see for human self-understanding if we were to create artificial intelligence that is functionally equivalent to human intelligence. It is a complex issue with no easy answers. But it is an important issue to consider, especially as we move closer and closer to the possibility of creating such an AI.

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