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Question: Imagine there is a new Hollywood Blockbuster being released  in theaters simultaneously worldwide.  It stars the Rock, Jennifer Lawrence and Jackie Chan.  Also imagine that you are a Political Economist specializing in international media, and you want to analyze the movie.  What sort of things would you be interested in looking at, and why?

21 Oct 2022,1:02 AM


Imagine there is a new Hollywood Blockbuster being released  in theaters simultaneously worldwide. It stars the Rock, Jennifer Lawrence and Jackie Chan.  Also imagine that you are a Political Economist specializing in international media, and you want to analyze the movie.  What sort of things would you be interested in looking at, and why?

Expert answer


There are a few things that a political economist might be interested in when analyzing a new Hollywood blockbuster movie. First, they would likely be interested in the production and distribution of the film. This includes understanding where the film was produced, who financed it, and how it was distributed to theaters around the world. Additionally, the political economist would be interested in understanding how the film fits into the broader context of global media flows. In particular, they would want to know how this film compares to other films that have been released recently, both in terms of box office receipts and critical reception. Finally, the political economist would also be interested in understanding any potential political implications of the film. For example, if the film is critical of a particular government or political system, it could have implications for public opinion and international relations.

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