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Question: It is often said that in their role as a fourth estate the media have a duty to impartiality and objectivity. With reference to the papers by  Kieran and Ward, critically examine whether you think this is possible

11 Oct 2022,12:29 AM


  • It is often said that in their role as a fourth estate the media have a duty to impartiality and objectivity. With reference to the papers by  Kieran and Ward, critically examine whether you think this is possible—that is, do you think journalists can report the truth and so be objective or is journalism simply interpretation, even a form of propaganda? (You can also draw from Edgar and the papers on post-truth and fake news in addressing this issue.)


  • In “Mediapolis or the Space of Appearance,” Roger Silverstone provides an account of our mediated relationship with the other. Explain and critically evaluate some of the central aspects of this account—specifically why he says that the media polis is a “mediated public space” (or “space of appearances”), how this relates to the human condition and so our human capacity for speech, judgment and action, and why the notion of proper distance is a tool by which to measure and repair failures in communication and connection with the other.


  • In “Philosophical Foundations of Journalism Ethics,” Stephen Ward contends that the globalization of news requires journalists to “rethink the principles of journalism ethics through the adoption of a cosmopolitan attitude”. Explain and critically evaluate his proposal for a global journalism ethic. How does he envision such an ethic as serving global democracy and the democratic public? (If you would like, you can also work Silverstone’s proposals into your analysis.)


  • It is well known that in our consumerist society advertising is a powerful form of mediation. What commentators disagree about is whether advertising (especially the technique known as associative advertising) violates our autonomy or engenders other forms of harm? With reference to the papers by Arrington, Waide and Kilbourne, critically assess whether advertising as mediation is harmful.


Instructions and criteria of assessment


In addressing one of the above themes, you need to:


(i)      State your thesis explicitly (‘My goal in this paper is to…’).

(ii)      Explicate the text (identifying, contrasting, and discussing the arguments made by the authors you are examining, and which relate to your thesis).

(iii)     Provide analysis (with a view to supporting your thesis)


In other words, you will be evaluated on the how well you explicate the positions of the authors you examine, on the strength of the arguments you make in support of the position you are arguing, and on the arguments you make against rival positions. Make sure you reference all sources, including the papers in our course package, or any other sources used. The paper should be double spaced, 5 - 6 pages long

Expert answer


It is often said that, in their role as a fourth estate, the media have a duty to impartiality and objectivity. This view is held by many people, including some journalists themselves. However, there is much evidence to suggest that this is not always the case.


Kieran and Ward (2000) argue that journalism is simply interpretation, and that objectivity is impossible. They point to the fact that all news is filtered through the biases of those who report it, and that even the most objective journalist cannot help but be influenced by their own personal views.


This was borne out by a study conducted by Shoemaker and Vos (2009), which found that journalists' personal beliefs did indeed affect the ..................

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