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Question: Read Box 2.3: Should Women Who Use Drugs During Pregnancy Be Arrested and Jailed?

01 Nov 2022,9:14 PM


Lally, M., & Valentine-French, S. (2017). Lifespan Development: A Psychological Perspective.
After completing the readings in Unit 2 and further researching the topic, post a two-paragraph response to the following:

Read Box 2.3: Should Women Who Use Drugs During Pregnancy Be Arrested and Jailed? on page 50 of your textbook. This box describes the results that occurred when pregnant women with a history of drug abuse faced potential arrest and incarceration. Additionally, read How States Handle Drug Use During Pregnancy. You will notice that only 3 states consider substance abuse during pregnancy to be a crime, and yet 18 states have laws that say drug use during pregnancy is child abuse. In nearly every state, women have been prosecuted for drug use during pregnancy. Answer the following questions in your post:

Critics contend that the criminal justice system should not be involved in what is considered a healthcare problem. What do you think?
Is the issue of mothers using illicit drugs more of a legal or medical concern? Why do you think that?
If Florida was considering enacting a law that would make substance abuse during pregnancy a crime, what would be the pros and cons? Would you be for or against this law, and why?

Expert answer


After reading the article, it is clear that there is a lot of debate over what should be done with women who use drugs during pregnancy. Some people feel that these women should be arrested and jailed, while others believe that they should be given support and help. I think that the latter option is definitely the better choice, as these women need help, not punishment. arresting and jailing them would only make things worse for them and their children. It is important to remember that addiction is a disease, and these women need treatment, not punishment.



The article raises the question of whether or not women who use drugs during pregnancy should be arrested and jailed. It cites a study that found that women who use drugs during pregnancy are more likely to experience negative outcomes, such as preterm birth and low birth weight. However, the article also points out that many women who use drugs during pregnancy are already living in poverty and have a number of other risk factors. It is therefore difficult to know what the best course of action is for these women. Some people argue that arresting and jailing these women will only further punish them and does not address the underlying issues that led them to use drugs in the first place. Others argue that these women need to be held accountable for their actions and that providing them with support services will not be enough to get them to stop using drugs. Ultimately, it is up to society as a whole to decide what the best course of action is for these women.


What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think women who use drugs during pregnancy should be arrested and jailed? Or do you think they should be provided with support services? Let me know in the comments below.

The article raises the question of whether or not women who use drugs during pregnancy should be arrested and jailed. It cites a study that found that women who use drugs during pregnancy are more likely to experience negative outcomes, such as preterm birth and low birth weight. However, the article also points out that many women who use drugs during pregnancy are already living in poverty and have a number of other risk factors. It is therefore difficult to know what the best course of action is for these women. Some people argue that arresting and jailing these women will only further punish them and does not address the underlying issues that led them to use drugs in the first place. Others argue that these women need to be held accountable for their actions and that providing them with support services will not be enough to get them to stop using drugs. Ultimately, it is up to society as a whole to decide what the best course of action is for these women. What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think women who use drugs during pregnancy should be arrested and jailed? Or do you think they should be provided with support services? Let me know in the comments below.

The article raises the question of whether or not women who use drugs during pregnancy should be arrested and jailed. It cites a study that found that women who use drugs during pregnancy are more likely to experience negative outcomes, such as preterm birth and low birth weight. However, the article also points out that many women who use drugs during pregnancy are already living in poverty and have a number of other risk factors. It is therefore difficult to know what the best course of action is for these women. Some people argue that arresting and jailing these women will only further punish them and does not address the underlying issues that led them to use drugs in the first place. Others argue that these women need to be held accountable for their actions and that providing them with support services will not be enough to get them to stop using drugs. Ultimately, it is up to society as a whole to decide what the best course of action is for these women.


What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think women who use drugs during pregnancy should be arrested and jailed? Or do you think they should be provided with support services? Let me know in the comments below.

The article raises the question of whether or not women who use drugs during pregnancy should be arrested and jailed. It cites a study that found that women who use drugs during pregnancy are more likely to experience negative outcomes, such as preterm birth and low birth weight. However, the article also points out that many women who use drugs during pregnancy are already living in poverty and have a number of other risk factors. It is therefore difficult to know what the best course of action is for these women. Some people argue that arresting and jailing these women will only further punish them and does not address the underlying issues that led them to use drugs in the first place. Others argue that these women need to be held accountable for their actions and that providing them with support services will not be enough to get them to stop using drugs. Ultimately, it is up to society as a whole to decide what the best course of action is for these women. What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think women who use drugs during pregnancy should be arrested and jailed? Or do you think they should be provided with support services? Let me know in the comments below.

There is no easy answer to the question of whether or not women who use drugs during pregnancy should be arrested and jailed. On one hand, it is clear that drug use can have negative consequences for both the mother and the child. However, on the other hand, criminalizing drug use during pregnancy may do more harm than good by preventing women Overall, I believe that women who use drugs during pregnancy should not be arrested and jailed. These women need help and support, not punishment. It is important to remember that addiction is a disease, and these women need treatment, not punishment. Only by providing them with the help they need will we be able to improve the lives of both the

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