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Question: Sullivan stage of development

05 Oct 2022,12:43 AM


Sullivan postulated seven epochs or stages of development, each crucial to the formation of human personality. The thread of interpersonal relations runs throughout the stages; other people are indispensable to a person’s development from infancy to mature adulthood. Select one stage and discuss how interpersonal relations theory would characterize normal and abnormal personality development.

Expert answer


1. The earliest stage is the "oral-sensory" stage, during which infants learn to use their mouths and senses to explore the world around them.


2. The "muscular-anal" stage follows, during which toddlers learn to control their muscles and bowel movements.


3. The "locomotor-genital" stage comes next, during which children learn to move about and explore their sexuality.


4. The "latency" stage is a period of relative calm, during which children focus on learning and growing without major emotional upheaval.


5. The "adolescence" stage is characterized by intense emotions and dramatic changes in both physical and psychological development.



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