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Question: The antecedent control strategies discussed in Miltenberger (2008).

01 Oct 2022,10:52 PM


Read the antecedent control strategies discussed in Miltenberger (2008). Next review the scenario below and answer the following questions to critique the antecedent procedure being used. What antecedent control strategy was being used to increase the target behavior? Why is this strategy, by itself, not enough to keep people flossing? What effect is this intervention likely to have on dental care in general? What other strategies would you add to make it more likely that people will keep flossing their teeth? Please submit your initial post to the discussion board by 11:59 pm CST on Wednesday. Follow-up posts should consist of giving feedback on interventions suggested by your peers by assessing what outcome the proposed intervention is likely to have and what barriers there might be to implementation. Please submit your follow-up posts by Sunday at 11:59 pm CST.


Dr. Drake, the dentist, was concerned that many of her patients did not floss their teeth regularly and were therefore at risk for gum disease. Dr. Drake devised a plan to get her patients to floss every day. Every time patients came in for a checkup or cleaning, Dr. Drake shoed them awful pictures of people with gum disease and pictures of painful surgery that the people with gum disease had to endure because they did not floss regularly. Before the patients left the office, she told them that they could avoid the awful gum disease and the painful surgery by flossing their teeth for 2 minutes every day. What antecedent control strategy was Dr. Drake using to get her patients to floss their teeth? Why is this strategy, by itself, not enough to keep people flossing? What effect is this strategy likely to have on dental care in general? What other strategies would you add to make it more likely that people will keep flossing their teeth?

Scenario taken from Miltenberger, R. G. (2008). Antecedent control procedures. In Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures. (4th ed.). (pp. 341-367). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

Expert answer

There are four main antecedent control strategies that are discussed in Miltenberger (2008). These include verbal instructions, modeling, shaping, and reinforcement. Each of these strategies can be used to help an individual learn a new behavior or skill.

Verbal instructions involve providing the individual with explicit directions on how to perform the desired behavior. For example, if you wanted someone to learn how to make a sandwich, you would provide them with step-by-step instructions on how to do so.

Modeling involves demonstrating the desired behavior for the individual. For example, if you wanted someone to learn how to make a sandwich, you would show them how to do it yourself.

Shaping involves gradually teaching the individual the desired behavior by starting with a simpler version of the behavior and then gradually increasing the difficulty. For example, if you wanted someone to learn how to make a sandwich, you would start by teaching them how to spread the bread with peanut butter, and then gradually increase the difficulty by adding more steps, such as adding jelly or slicing the sandwich.

Reinforcement involves providing positive reinforcement (rewards) for performing the desired behavior. For example, if you wanted someone to learn how to make a sandwich, you would provide them with a reward (e.g., a sticker) every time they successfully made one.

These are just four of the many antecedent control strategies that are available to help individuals learn new behaviors or skills. Which strategy is best to use will depend on the individual and the behavior that needs to be learned. However, all of these strategies can be effective in helping individuals to acquire new behaviors or skills.


Miltenberger, R. G. (2008). Behavior modification: Principles and procedures (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

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