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Question: The Russian Revolution merely represented a coup d’etat by a conspiratorial minority radical group. Evaluate this statement?

04 Oct 2022,4:35 PM


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26. Discussion Questions

  • The Russian Revolution merely represented a coup d’etat by a conspiratorial minority radical group. Evaluate this statement?
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25. Discussion Questions

  • The Russian Revolution merely represented a coup d’etat by a conspiratorial minority radical group. Evaluate this statement?
  • The First World War was necessary for the Russian Revolution to take place. Agree or disagree?
  • What accounted for Bolshevik victory in the Civil War?

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Expert answer

Some historians have characterized the Russian Revolution of 1917 as a coup d’etat by a small group of conspirators. They point to the fact that the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, were only a minority party in Russia at the time, and that they seized power through force and coercion rather than through democratic means.


However, it is also important to consider the wider context of the Revolution. The Tsarist regime was highly unpopular and facing growing opposition from all quarters by 1917. The country was also embroiled in a disastrous war with no end in sight. In these conditions, it is perhaps not surprising that a small group of radicals was able to take advantage of the situation and seize power.


Moreover, the Bolsheviks were not simply a band of conspirators – they enjoyed widespread support among the Russian people, especially among workers and peasants. They also had a well-organized party apparatus and a clear ideology, which helped them to win over many followers. In other words, while the Bolsheviks may have started out as a small group of conspirators, they soon came to represent a much larger movement with deep roots in society.


There is no simple answer to the question of whether the Russian Revolution was a coup d’etat or not. It is clear that the Bolsheviks played an important role in bringing about the overthrow of the Tsarist regime, but it is also important to consider the wider context in which they operated.

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