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Question: What are the key capabilities required by a change consultant/change agent in contemporary organisations?

01 Nov 2022,8:34 PM




Change agents play an important role in organisational change management. They can be internal as well as external to an organisation. With reference to change agent and their role in change management, answer the following questions:


Part A (50%)


What are the key capabilities required by a change consultant/change agent in contemporary organisations?  Illustrate your answer with examples drawn from the literature and assess how these capabilities would help in maintaining ethical relationships with your clients.


Part B (50%)


At an individual level, imagine you are considering a career as a change agent.


  • Find out what skills/experiences are needed to become an external change agent/change consultant.


(Note: You may refer to job adverts published online to get an idea of the skills/experiences required. Two useful links are provided in ‘Lecture 5- A career as a change agent?’ slide which will help you get started).


  • Evaluate your current skills/experiences against these and identify any gaps (e.g. your personality, team working, communication, and leadership style etc.).


  • Explain how you intend to address the gaps identified.


Change agents play an important role in organisational change management

Expert answer


A change consultant or agent is someone who assists an organization in making changes to their business. This can be done through a number of different ways, but the most common is by providing advice and support during the planning and implementation phases of change.


There are a number of different skills and capabilities that are required by change consultants in order to be successful. Some of the most important include:


-An understanding of organizational change management processes: In order to be effective, a change consultant must have a good understanding of how organizational change management works. This includes an understanding of the different stages of change (e.g. initiation, planning, implementation, etc.), as well as the key activities that need to be completed at each stage.


-Excellent communication and interpersonal skills: A change consultant must be able to communicate effectively with both clients and other members of the change team. They need to be able to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand, and they also need to be able to build relationships of trust with their clients.


-Project management experience: A change consultant will often be responsible for leading or supporting the implementation of change projects. As such, they need to have experience in project management, including an understanding of how to manage risks, timelines, and resources.


-Change management certifications: In some cases, organizations may require their change consultants to have specific certifications in change management (e.g. from the Project Management Institute or ACM).


These are just some of the key capabilities that are required by change consultants in contemporary organizations. Having these skills and abilities will help them to be more effective in their role, and it will also allow them to build strong relationships with their clients.

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