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Question: What are the values of "slow looking"? How might slow looking be an effective strategy when observing art that is either live, streamed or recorded?

15 Oct 2022,2:04 AM


Ø How might active listening strategies improve your ability to study, retain information or improve your art-making? If you tuned in and listened actively instead of passively more often, what might the benefits be? Below provide three possible benefits of active listening:

Ø What do you feel are the most significant points from Scott Pierce's talk? Of the things he said, what made the strongest impression on you?

Ø What are the values of "slow looking"? How might slow looking be an effective strategy when observing art that is either live, streamed or recorded?

Ø discussion in a previous module about the "liveness" of live theatre, what about the process of taking notes during or after a live performance changes when the performance is pre-recorded?

Ø Ahead of tutorial, make notes of any questions or views you have before the discussion starts, so you feel prepared to contribute to the discussion.

During the discussion, if you have an idea or a comment you wish to make, write it down so you can remember it. Listen carefully to each speaker. Identify the main points that are being made and take notes. Think about what the speaker is saying and be open to allowing their ideas to change your opinion. Avoid making unrelated comments to the discussion. Ask questions when you don’t understand what someone has said. Try to ensure that everyone in the group has a chance to speak, and feels that they are being heard and respected.

Of the points listed, which do you think is the most important for taking part in a discussion? What do you find the most challenging to do when taking part in a discussion?

Ø Thinking about yourself - or someone else - state an example of an opinion and a bias. Look at the language you use to articulate the opinion versus the language you use to articulate bias. What are the differences and what does that tell you about the ways that opinions and bias function?

Ø reflexivity plays a role in perception. What are three benefits of seeing things from others points' of view?

Ø Active listening, nonverbal communication, clarity and conciseness, respect, confidence, empathy, open-mindedness, giving and receiving feedback, being polite and choosing the right medium for the message - which ones do you think you are already proficient in? Which ones do you think could use some improvement?

Ø What strategies do you use to ensure your assignments are well-written and error-free? What factors such as time, planning, research, quiet, etc., help you produce your best writing?

Ø Thinking about assignments you have completed for other courses, what are the most common corrections you receive from professors or TAs? What are the most common grammatical or syntactical errors you tend to make? And do you feel that you receive as much feedback or direction from professors or TAs on how you write as much as what you write?

Ø Thinking about the previous excerpt of James Corden's performance in "One Man, Two Guvnors," write five sentences using literary present tense. Your audience is someone who has not seen the video clip so you will want to be descriptive.

Ø  1) state the characteristics of a strong thesis statement, and 2) describe what role "tension" plays in an effective thesis statement:

Ø 1) state the role that topic sentences play in an analytical paper, and 2) describe how thesis statements and topic sentences are different but also related.

Ø  what is meant by synthesis? Please provide an example. And how might synthesis be relevant to crafting an argument?

Ø When writing argumentative-style essays in the past, what did you find to be the most challenging aspects of the writing process?

Ø Evidence for either short or long argumentative essay-style assignments comes from texts - secondary sources or works of art. How is the evidence you present in an argumentative essay different in a short paper and a long paper? Name three ways that they are different.

Ø  you learned a new technique - a new piece of editing software, a new digital or visual effect, a new method for initiating movement, or a new approach to the way you play, sing or deliver lines. Using the DEIP model, what aspects of this new experience might you discuss in your journal assignment for your class?


Expert answer


There are several values to "slow looking." One of the main values is that it can help you to appreciate art more. When you take the time to look at the art slowly, you are able to see all of the different aspects of it and really appreciate all of the work that went into creating it. Slow looking can also help you to learn more about the art. By taking the time to examine each detail, you can learn more about the artist's intentions and what they were trying to communicate with their work. Additionally, slow looking can help you to connect with the art on a deeper level. By spending time with the artwork, you may begin to feel a stronger connection to it and find that it has a bigger impact on you.


Slow looking can be an effective strategy when observing art in any situation. When you take the time to look at the art slowly, you are able to see all of the different aspects of it and really appreciate all of the work that went into creating it. This can be especially important when observing live or streamed art, as you may not get a second chance to see it again. Slow looking can also help you to learn more about the art. By taking the time to examine each detail, you can learn more about the artist's intentions and what they were trying to communicate with their work. Additionally, slow looking can help you to connect with the art on a deeper level. By spending time with the artwork, you may begin to feel a stronger connection to it and find that it has a bigger impact on you.

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