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Question: What are your thoughts on alcoholism being considered a disease?

25 Oct 2022,9:33 AM


What are your thoughts on alcoholism being considered a disease? What are some current issues in this debate? Make sure that you back up your thoughts with research in the area.

Expert answer


There is a lot of debate surrounding whether or not alcoholism should be considered a disease. Some people feel that it is a disease because it is a physical addiction that can lead to serious health problems. Others feel that alcoholism is more of a choice and that people should be able to control their drinking if they want to.


Personally, I believe that alcoholism should be considered a disease. I think that anyone who struggles with alcoholism is fighting a battle against a very real and powerful addiction. This addiction can have devastating effects on someone's life, and it is often very difficult to overcome without help. While I believe that people do have some control over their drinking, I also think that alcoholism is a disease that can take over someone's life if it is not treated.

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