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Question: What is cultural competence and are there steps nurses can take to achieve it? How does cultural competence differ from cultural humility?

07 Nov 2022,3:48 PM


• What is cultural competence and are there steps nurses can take to achieve it?
• How does it differ from cultural humility?
• Briefly describe how a lack of cultural sensitivity may impact patients' health and well-being and their future encounters with the healthcare system.
• Why is it more important to focus on cultural humility rather than achieving cultural competen

Expert answer


What is cultural competence and are there steps nurses can take to achieve it?

Cultural competence is the ability to understand and appreciate the differences in culture, and to work effectively with people from other cultures. Nurses can take steps to become more culturally competent by:


- Learning about different cultures and their customs


- Respecting the diversity of patients and co-workers


- Communicating effectively with people from other cultures


- Providing culturally competent care that is responsive to the needs of patients from diverse backgrounds.


By becoming more culturally competent, nurses can provide better care for all patients and create a more positive work environment.


How does cultural competence differ from cultural humility?


Cultural competence is the ability to interact effectively with people from different cultures. It involves understanding and respecting cultural differences, and being able to communicate effectively with people from other cultures.


Cultural humility is a willingness to learn about and respect people from other cultures, even if you do not have personal experience of those cultures. It involves being open to new perspectives and ways of doing things, and recognising that everyone has something to contribute.


Both cultural competence and cultural humility are important in healthcare settings, where people from a variety of backgrounds come together. Healthcare providers who are culturally competent and humble are better able to provide care that is respectful and responsive to the needs of all patients.


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