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Question: What is groupthink? Explain with reference to the antecedents, symptoms, problems, and consequences, and how these aspects are related. What measures can be taken to avoid or lessen the impact of groupthink?

22 Oct 2022,10:54 PM


What is groupthink? Explain with reference to the antecedents, symptoms, problems, and consequences, and how these aspects are related. What measures can be taken to avoid or lessen the impact of groupthink?

Expert answer


Groupthink is a phenomenon that can occur in groups of people who are under pressure to come to a consensus. It is characterized by a lack of critical thinking and an excessive desire to conform. This can lead to bad decision-making, as well as a number of other problems.


The antecedents of groupthink include things like isolation from outside perspectives, high levels of cohesiveness, and leader approval. Symptoms include a feeling of invulnerability, rationalization of bad decisions, and self-censorship. Problems that can result from groupthink include poor decision-making, decreased creativity, and reduced motivation.


There are a number of measures that can be taken to avoid or lessen the impact of groupthink. These include encouraging critical thinking, encouraging dissent, and maintaining communication with outside perspectives. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the potential for groupthink so that it can be avoided in the first place.

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