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Question: What is meant by "Cloud services?  - Provide an explanation of what is meant by the term "Cloud services/computing" and list at least (3) cloud service providers.

08 Nov 2022,12:03 PM


Assignment goal - Learn about "Cloud services/computing" and any related IT security concerns.


Background: You are the Chief Information Security Officer for an organization. Your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) asked you to help her decide whether or not to move your organization's applications to the "cloud".  She specifically asked you to create a presentation that explains the following:


  1. What is meant by "Cloud services/computing"
  1. What is meant by "Cloud services?  - Provide an explanation of what is meant by the term "Cloud services/computing" and list at least (3) cloud service providers.
  1. What are the Computer and Network security concerns, if there are any about placing applications into the cloud?
  1. Computer and Network security risks of placing applications in the "cloud", Are there any computer and network security risks, of placing your organization's applications in the "cloud"?  If so then what are they and how likely are they to occur?
  1. Based solely on your computer and network security concerns, what is your recommendation for placing your organizations applications in the cloud?
  1. Recommendation for placing your organization's applications in the cloud - Based solely on your Computer and Network security concerns about placing applications in the cloud do you recommend moving your organization's applications to the cloud or not?  Please explain your reasoning behind your answer. 

Expert answer


Cloud services are a type of computing that delivers software, data storage, and other IT resources over the Internet. These resources can be accessed and used from anywhere, making it a convenient and flexible option for businesses and individuals alike.

There are many different providers of cloud services, but some of the most popular include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Each provider offers a unique set of features and prices, so it's important to do your research to find the one that best meets your needs.

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