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Question: What is the ascetic ideal and how does it implicate itself in modern scientific life?

26 Oct 2022,2:24 AM


What is the ascetic ideal and how does it implicate itself in modern scientific life?

Expert answer


The ascetic ideal is a principle or set of principles that advocate self-discipline, abstinence, and self-denial as a means of achieving spiritual enlightenment. The term "ascetic" comes from the Greek word askēsis, which means "self-discipline" or "training."


The ascetic ideal has been variously interpreted throughout history. In its most extreme form, it calls for a complete withdrawal from worldly pursuits and an emphasis on inner spiritual growth. This approach was advocated by early Christian monks and nuns who went into the desert to meditate and pray.


More moderate interpretations of the ideal allow for some engagement with the world, but still emphasize the need for self-control and moderation. This is the approach advocated by many philosophers and religious thinkers, including Aristotle, Socrates, and the Buddha.


The ascetic ideal has also been taken up by many scientists and intellectuals who believe that self-discipline is necessary for achieving success in their field. For example, the renowned physicist Albert Einstein is reported to have said, "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."


In recent years, there has been a growing movement of people who are trying to live according to the ascetic ideal. This includes people who have adopted minimalist lifestyles and those who practice voluntary simplicity. The common thread connecting these various groups is a desire to live more intentionally and with less material possessions.


While the ascetic ideal has a long history, it continues to be relevant in today's world. In a society that is increasingly driven by consumerism and instant gratification, the call for self-control and moderation can be seen as a countercultural act. For many people, the ascetic ideal provides a way to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.


The ascetic ideal is a set of principles that promote self-denial, discipline, and commitment to a cause or belief. The ideal has been associated with many different religions and philosophies, but it is perhaps best known for its role in Christianity. The word "ascetic" comes from the Greek word askesis, which means "exercise" or "training." The ascetic ideal calls on adherents to live a simple life, often characterized by poverty, chastity, and obedience. The goal is to focus on spiritual matters and to avoid worldly distractions.


Ascetics typically seek to purify themselves through fasting, prayer, and other forms of self-denial. They may also engage in physical acts of self-mortification, such as flagellation. The ascetic ideal has been adopted by many different groups throughout history. Early Christian monks and nuns were among the most well-known ascetics. In more recent times, the ideal has been embraced by some scientists and intellectuals who believe that it can help them to focus on their work and avoid distractions.


The ascetic ideal has its critics, who argue that it can lead to unhealthy levels of self-denial and isolation from the world. Others argue that it is a necessary part of any spiritual quest or intellectual pursuit.

The ascetic ideal is a set of principles that promote self-denial, discipline, and commitment to a cause or belief. The ideal has been associated with many different religions and philosophies, but it is perhaps best known for its role in Christianity.


The word "ascetic" comes from the Greek word askesis, which means "exercise" or "training." The ascetic ideal calls on adherents to live a simple life, often characterized by poverty, chastity, and obedience. The goal is to focus on spiritual matters and to avoid worldly distractions.


Ascetics typically seek to purify themselves through fasting, prayer, and other forms of self-denial. They may also engage in physical acts of self-mortification, such as flagellation. The ascetic ideal has been adopted by many different groups throughout history. Early Christian monks and nuns were among the most well-known ascetics. In more recent times, the ideal has been embraced by some scientists and intellectuals who believe that it can help them to focus on their work and avoid distractions.


The ascetic ideal has its critics, who argue that it can lead to unhealthy levels of self-denial and isolation from the world. Others argue that it is a necessary part of any spiritual quest or intellectual pursuit.

The ascetic ideal is a set of principles that promote self-denial, discipline, and commitment to a cause or belief. The ideal has been associated with many different religions and philosophies, but it is perhaps best known for its role in Christianity.


The word "ascetic" comes from the Greek word askesis, which means "exercise" or "training." The ascetic ideal calls on adherents to live a simple life, often characterized by poverty, chastity, and obedience. The goal is to focus on spiritual matters and to avoid worldly distractions.


Ascetics typically seek to purify themselves through fasting, prayer, and other forms of self-denial. They may also engage in physical acts of self-mortification, such as flagellation.


The ascetic ideal has been adopted by many different groups throughout history. Early Christian monks and nuns were among the most well-known ascetics. In more recent times, the ideal has been embraced by some scientists and intellectuals who believe that it can help them to focus on their work and avoid distractions.


The ascetic ideal has its critics, who argue that it can lead to unhealthy levels of self-denial and isolation from the world. Others argue that it is a necessary part of any spiritual quest or intellectual pursuit.

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