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Question: What is the challenge for CSR to be inclusive?

31 Oct 2022,1:16 PM


What is the challenge for CSR to be inclusive?

Expert answer


The challenge for CSR to be truly inclusive is that it must take into account the needs of all stakeholders, including those who may not have a direct financial interest in the company. This can be a difficult task, as it requires companies to consider the impact of their actions on all groups of people, not just shareholders or customers. However, it is essential if CSR is to have a positive impact on society as a whole. There are several ways in which companies can make sure that their CSR policies are inclusive:


- by engaging with all stakeholders in the development and implementation of CSR policy;


- by setting clear goals and targets which reflect the interests of all stakeholders;


- by reporting regularly on progress made in meeting CSR objectives;


- by ensuring that CSR strategies are aligned with the overall business strategy.


While it can be challenging, making CSR inclusive is essential to its success. By engaging all stakeholders in the process, companies can ensure that their policies have a positive impact on society as a whole.

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