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Question: What is the New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO)?

17 Oct 2022,11:24 PM


1. What is the New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO)?

What group of countries supported it?
What group of countries opposed it?

2. Do you agree with the position of the U.S.?  Why or why not?

3. McChesney speaks about the global media market as a cartel.  What does he mean by this and do you agree?

Expert answer


The New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) was a set of principles proposed by the UN General Assembly in 1973. The NWICO called for an international system of communication that would be more equitable and just, with a greater flow of information from developed to developing countries. However, the proposal was never fully implemented and ran into opposition from Western nations, who saw it as a threat to their control over the flow of information. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the idea of a NWICO, as the global media landscape has become increasingly dominated by a handful of powerful corporations. Some scholars believe that a new NWICO is needed in order to address the imbalances in the global media system and create a more democratic and inclusive media environment.

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