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Question: What is the significance of the butt in Frances Negron-Munanter's unusual scholarly essay titled "Jennifer's Butt"?

13 Oct 2022,1:43 AM


What is the significance of the butt in Frances Negron-Munanter's unusual scholarly essay titled "Jennifer's Butt"? What does the butt represent? What stands out to you most about Negron-Munanter's focus on the butt as an object of cultural analysis?

Provide at least one quote from the Negron-Muntaner reading to support your response.

Expert answer


The butt is significant in Frances Negron-Munanter's essay because it is a site of pleasure and resistance. The butt is often sexualized and considered obscene, which makes it a powerful tool for subverting dominant discourses. By focusing on Jennifer's butt, Negron-Munanter challenges the notion that butts are only worthy of attention if they are conventionally attractive. She argues that all butts are beautiful, and that we should celebrate them for their uniqueness.


Negron-Munanter's essay highlights the importance of visibility and representation when it comes to butts. She argues that we need to see more diverse representations of butts in order to challenge the limited and often negative way that they are typically portrayed. She also calls for a celebration of all kinds of butts, including those that are considered "imperfect" by mainstream standards. In doing so, Negron-Munanter challenges the idea that there is only one right way to look, and that all other ways are wrong.


Ultimately, Negron-Munanter's essay makes a case for why we should all love and accept our butts just the way they are. She argues that our butts are a source of pleasure and power, and that we should embrace them for all they are. Whether you have a "perfect" butt or not, Negron-Munanter's message is clear: your butt is beautiful, and it deserves to be celebrated.

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