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Question: What is transformational leadership? What are the four main components of transformational leadership? What are the qualities of a transformational leader? Why is transformational leadership effective in nursing?

23 Oct 2022,1:24 AM


Nursing Leader:

Discuss leadership in nursing.  Is leadership an innate skill or something that is learned? How do nurses become effective leaders?  How do good nurse leaders inspire others?  What skills do effective nurse leaders possess?  Depending on the sources you select, you may find different skills listed.  Your discussion must include, but is not limited to the following: emotional intelligence, integrity, professionalism, and communication.

The Value of Transformational Leadership in Nursing

What is transformational leadership? What are the four main components of transformational leadership? What are the qualities of a transformational leader? Why is transformational leadership effective in nursing?

Myers-Briggs Personality Type

What is the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory?  Share your type and explain how knowing this can help you to be an effective nurse leader.  If you did not agree with your result, discuss that in this section.

Personal Leadership Characteristics

In this section you will discuss your Leadership Inventory results.  Briefly discuss each of the characteristic categories and your results.  How will you use this information as you continue to develop as a nurse leader within your current role?

Expert answer


Transformational leadership is a type of leadership that focuses on leading change within an organization. Transformational leaders are those who inspire and motivate others to achieve their goals. The four main components of transformational leadership are: vision, inspiration, motivation, and empowerment.


Transformational leaders have a clear vision for what they want to accomplish. They are able to inspire others to buy into that vision and work together to achieve it. They motivate others by providing them with a sense of purpose and meaning. And they empower others by giving them the tools and resources they need to succeed.


Transformational leadership is effective in nursing because it helps nurses to be more innovative and creative in their approach to patient care. It also allows nurses to be more effective communicators and problem-solvers. And it helps nurses to be more engaged in their work, which leads to better patient outcomes.

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