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Question: What were the most significant challenges Linda faced as an enslaved women in the antebellum south? What strategies did she use to try to overcome them?

06 Oct 2022,12:33 AM


What were the most significant challenges Linda faced as an enslaved women in the antebellum south? What strategies did she use to try to overcome them? In what ways did her gender shape some of the challenges she faced?

Expert answer


The most significant challenges Linda faced as an enslaved women in the antebellum south were the lack of freedom and opportunity, the constant threat of violence and abuse, and the lack of education and resources. Linda used a variety of strategies to try to overcome these challenges, including forming relationships with other slaves, finding ways to earn money, and learning to read and write. Despite these efforts, Linda remained a slave for her entire life.


The biggest challenge Linda faced as a slave was the lack of freedom. She was forced to work long hours in the fields or in the home of her master, with no say in when or how she worked. She was also not allowed to leave her plantation without permission, and if she did, she could be punished severely or even killed. Linda had no control over her own body or her own life, and this was a constant source of frustration and fear for her.


Another big challenge Linda faced was the threat of violence and abuse. Slaves were often beaten by their masters or other white people, and they could be raped or sexually assaulted with impunity. This was a constant reality for Linda, and it made her feel vulnerable and

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