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Question: Why are the widow, the orphan and the alien supposed to be objects of special concern in the Old Testament?

31 Oct 2022,12:58 PM


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  • Why are the widow, the orphan and the alien supposed to be objects of special concern in the Old Testament?

Expert answer


There are multiple reasons why the widow, the orphan and the alien are supposed to be objects of special concern in the Old Testament. First, all three groups were considered to be vulnerable members of society. Widows, for example, often had no means of support after their husbands died. Orphans were also vulnerable because they had no parents to care for them. And aliens were vulnerable because they were often strangers in a new land.


Second, all three groups were often marginalized by society. Widows, for example, were often treated as second-class citizens. Orphans and aliens were also often marginalized and discriminated against.


Third, all three groups were frequently mistreated or taken advantage of by others. Widows, for example, were often taken advantage of financially. Orphans and aliens were also often mistreated or exploited.


Fourth, all three groups were considered to be in need of special protection. Widows, for example, needed to be protected from exploitation and mistreatment. Orphans and aliens needed to be protected from discrimination and marginalization.


The Old Testament teaches that God is concerned for the widow, the orphan and the alien. He calls on His people to show compassion and care for them. And He promises to bless those who do.

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