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Question: Why is it important for visuals and text to work together closely in business documents? 

08 Nov 2022,1:24 PM


Why is it important for visuals and text to work together closely in business documents? 

Identify four techniques you can use to integrate text and visuals successfully.

Expert answer


There are several important reasons why visuals and text should work together closely in business documents. First, when used together, they can more effectively convey data and information. Second, visuals can help to break up large blocks of text, making the document more visually appealing and easier to read. Finally, using both visuals and text can help to reinforce key points and messages within the document.


When used effectively, visuals and text can complement each other to create a more effective business document. When creating business documents, it is important to keep these reasons in mind in order to create an effective document that will be easy for readers to understand and digest.

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