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Question: Write a paragraph (approximately 150-250 words) that identifies and explains one of the big ideas discussed by Marcus Aurelius in his Meditations.

07 Nov 2022,2:40 PM


A. Big Ideas

A1. Write a paragraph (approximately 150-250 words) that identifies and explains one of the big ideas discussed by Marcus Aurelius in his Meditations. [20 points]

a. Clearly state this big idea in the paragraph’s topic sentence.
b. Explain Marcus Aurelius’ reasons for taking this position.
c. Explain why this idea is important to Marcus Aurelius.

A2. Write a second paragraph (approximately 150-250 words) that identifies and explains a second big idea discussed by Marcus Aurelius in his Meditations. [20 points]

a. Clearly state this second big idea in the paragraph’s topic sentence.
b. Explain Marcus Aurelius’ reasons for taking this position.
c. Explain why this idea is important to Marcus Aurelius.

B. Primary Text

Select a specific passage (approximately 150-250 words) from the text of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations that functions as a kind of “key” to understanding the whole of the Meditations. You may choose any passage you believe meets this criterion.

a. Type out, word for word, the text of your key passage in full.
b. Use quotation marks and supply a page number in parentheses.

C. Analysis of Primary Text

C1. Write a paragraph (approximately 150-250 words) that identifies the main idea of the key passage you selected from the primary text. [20 points]

a. Clearly state the main idea of your key passage in the paragraph’s topic sentence.
b. Identify the reasons given in the passage in support of this main idea.
c. Include citations from your key passage that provide evidence for your argument. Use quotation marks and supply page numbers in parentheses.

C2. Write a second paragraph (approximately 150-250 words) that explains why, in your view, the selected passage is a “key” to understanding the whole of the Meditations. [20 points]

a. Clearly state your reason for choosing this passage in the paragraph’s topic sentence.
b. Explain how this key passage helps us to better understand the whole of the Meditations.
c. Connect your explanation to both of the “big ideas” identified in section A.
d. As needed, include citations from your key passage that provide evidence for your argument. Use quotation marks and supply page numbers in parentheses.

D. Pop Culture Comparison

Find an example from pop culture—a scene from a movie or TV show, a song, a book, a commercial, a YouTube video, etc.—that touches on the same topic as your cited key passage. Avoid generalities and try to choose a particular scene from a show or a particular set of lines from a song. (For example, you might choose a scene from a movie or TV show where someone gets angry and then compare that scene to Marcus Aurelius' advice about anger.)

D1. Write a paragraph (approximately 150-250 words) that describes your example from pop culture. [10 points]

a. Clearly identify your pop culture example in the paragraph’s topic sentence.
b. Describe the relevant details associated with your example. The more specific you can be, the better. Focus on details that will be useful for your comparison.

D2. Write a second paragraph (approximately 150-250 words) that explains how your example is both similar to and different from what Marcus Aurelius says in your key passage. [10 points]

a. Clearly identify the main point of overlap between your pop culture example and your key passage in the paragraph’s topic sentence.
b. Compare and contrast the details of the example with details from your key passage.
c. Include citations from your key passage that provide evidence for your argument. Use quotation marks and supply page numbers in parentheses.

Expert answer


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.


In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius outlines several key principles that he believes are essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. One of these principles is the importance of living in accordance with nature. For Marcus Aurelius, this means living a simple life in harmony with the natural world around us. He believed that by doing so, we would be able to avoid the negative aspects of society such as greed and corruption. Additionally, living in accordance with nature would allow us to focus on what is truly important in life and find happiness through simple pleasures.


Marcus Aurelius’s beliefs about living in accordance with nature were likely influenced by Stoicism, which was a popular philosophical school of thought during his lifetime. Stoics believed that humans should strive to live in harmony with the natural world and avoid the materialistic desires of society. This philosophy was based on the belief that humans are a part of nature and therefore, should respect and uphold its laws. Marcus Aurelius’s endorsement of this principle reflects his own Stoic beliefs and provides insight into his view of the ideal life.


Despite being written over two thousand years ago, Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on living in accordance with nature are still relevant today. In a world that is increasingly driven by consumerism and materialism, it is easy to forget what is truly important in life. By following Marcus Aurelius’s advice, we can focus on leading happy and fulfilling lives that are in harmony with the natural world.

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