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Question: Write an analysis of the gender relationships in Father Knows Best. Explain the role of each family member and how they are defined by gender.

24 Oct 2022,7:59 PM


Write an analysis of the gender relationships in Father Knows Best. Explain the role of each family member and how they are defined by gender. First, explain the roles of the parents. Second, explain the roles of the three children. To what extent were children miniature versions of their parents? You should base your analysis on one specific episode and provide at least one example for each of the five main characters.

Expert answer


Father Knows Best presents a traditional view of gender relations within the family. The father is the head of the household and is responsible for providing for and protecting his family. He is a strong, authoritative figure who is respected by his wife and children. The mother is a homemaker whose primary responsibility is to care for her husband and children. She is loving and supportive, but also deferential to her husband. The children are expected to respect and obey their parents. They are also socialized into traditional gender roles, with boys being raised to be tough and independent and girls being raised to be nurturing and domestic. This show reflects the values of its time, when families were more hierarchical and gender roles were more rigidly defined. While some may see this as outdated, others may appreciate the simplicity and clarity of these roles. Either way, Father Knows Best provides a fascinating glimpse into the gender relations of a bygone era.



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