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Question: Yemen's conflict 1. What transitional justice mechanisms were utilized? Nothing? Amnesty? Lustration? Reparations? Tribunals? Truth Commissions?

02 Nov 2022,6:05 PM


Yemen's conflict

1. What transitional justice mechanisms were utilized? Nothing? Amnesty? Lustration? Reparations? Tribunals? Truth Commissions? Etc.
2. Were the mechanisms chosen effective? Why or why not?
3. What is your recommendation?

Expert answer


1. No formal transitional justice mechanisms were utilized in Yemen's conflict. However, there was an informal process of local reconciliation which helped to reduce tensions and address some of the grievances of the warring parties. 2. Some amnesty was given to members of the former regime, as well as to those who fought against it. This helped to create a more stable and unified country after the conflict. 3. Reparations were given to victims of the conflict, both by the government and by private individuals and organizations. 4. There were no formal tribunals or truth commissions set up in Yemen, but there was an informal process of accountability which helped to ensure that those responsible for crimes during the conflict were held accountable. 5. The process of reconciliation and the provision of amnesty and reparations helped to reduce tensions and create a more unified country after the conflict. However, there are still some unresolved issues which need to be addressed in order to fully heal the wounds of the conflict.

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