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Question: Your friend has been suffering from hypocalcemia (low levels of calcium in the blood) for the past year.  Her physician recently told her that results from a hormone profile showed she has hypoparathyroidism (insufficient production of parathyroid hormone). 

30 Aug 2023,6:39 PM


  1. Describe ventilation in humans.  You should include the following:
  1. The major muscles involved.
  2. The role of thoracic cavity expansion resulting in inhalation.
  3. The role of central and peripheral chemo-receptors in respiration.
  1. Where are they located?
  2. What are they measuring?
  3. How are the central receptors different from the peripheral receptors at regulating respiration?


  1.  Describe the long-term response to stress by the endocrine system (CRH pathway).  You should cover the following:
  1. Describe the pathway
  1. What triggers the pathway?
  2. Which hormones are involved in the pathway and where are they produced?
  3. For each hormone indicate if it is a Tropic hormone or not
  4. For Tropic hormones indicate which gland they target and what does the gland produce?



  1. Describe the gastric mucosal layer of the stomach.  Be sure to include the following.
  1. The gastric glands including the function of the following specialized cells:
  1. Parietal cells
  2. Chief cells
  3. Mucus cells
  4. Endocrine cells 



  1. Insulin is produced by Beta cells of the pancreas.
    1. What is the primary role of insulin in the body?
    2. Does insulin affect all cells of the body in the same way or are there certain cell types that do not rely totally on insulin?
    3. What is the effect of insulin on Alpha cells of the pancreas and how will this alter the bodies’ energy production?  For example, If Alpha cells are inhibited ketones will not be produce from the breakdown of fatty acids…….. and so on.



  1. Predict the series of events that would occur if a Neutrophil encounters a foreign antigen like a group of bacterial cells inside the human body.  You should go from Neutrophil encounter to the end of the primary immune response.  Be sure to explain which cells would be created / recruited and their roles in the primary immune response.



  1. Alpha cells of the pancreas:

  a. Produce which hormone


b. When do you expect alpha cell to make this hormone, when blood glucose levels are high or  



c. Explain all of the ways in which the hormone secreted by alpha cells contributes to the

     change in glucose levels in the body.  For example, stored glycogen in the liver is converted

     to glucose….and so on.



Analysis Section

  1. Your friend has been suffering from hypocalcemia (low levels of calcium in the blood) for the past year.  Her physician recently told her that results from a hormone profile showed she has hypoparathyroidism (insufficient production of parathyroid hormone).  Please explain the link between the hypoparathyroidism and her calcium deficiency.


  1. Why could an iodine deficiency result in a goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland)?



  1. Why would a bile duct blockage, inhibiting the release of bile into the small intestines, result in fatty stools?


  1. ADH and Aldosterone work at the level of the kidney?  Do these two hormones have the same outcome when they target the kidney?  If not explain how they result in different outcomes.


  1. Explain the role the pancreas plays as an exocrine gland.


  1. Timmy’s friends took him out to a bar to celebrate his 21st birthday.  After several celebratory drinks containing alcohol Timmy noticed he needed to urinate every 30 minutes.  Timmy felt he was excreting more volume than he was consuming.  Is Timmy right or is he just too intoxicated to know the difference?  Justify your answer with a physiological explanation.




  1. While taking prednisone, a synthetic form of cortisol, would you expect your body to produce its own cortisol under a stressful situation or not.  You must justify your answer with a physiological explanation.  Assume prednisone has all of the same functions of your naturally produced cortisol.



  1. Why does liver failure result in jaundice of the skin?



  1. Do you predict that a gastric ulcer in the mucosal layer (so not compromising the sub-mucosal layer) of the stomach would result in heavy bleeding, why or why not?



  1. Why would not having access to insulin put a type-I diabetic at risk of developing keto-acidosis?



Extra Credit:

Which of the following items should not be found in urine if a patient has normal functioning kidneys and why (5 percentage points)?

  • Albumin
  • Water
  • Sodium
  • Red Blood Cells


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